BBY-TEAM#6 FutureCurves

Team Member List

This repo is for developing a project called Happify.exe, developed by FutureCurves

The repo has such folders:

  • app -------------------------------------------------------------------- router, controllers, database configuration
    • config ------------------------------------------------------- MongoDB Setup
      • mongodb.config.js -------------------------------MongoDB connection string
    • controllers
      • push.controller.js --------------------------------Web-Push Functions
      • user.controller.js --------------------------------User Functions invoked on req
  • resources ------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the resources
    • static -------------------------------------------------------------------- html, images, css, JavaScript files
      • css -------------------------------------------------------------CSS Stylesheets
      • img------------------------------------------------------------ Pictures used
      • js ---------------------------------------------------------------JavaScript Files
      • json ------------------------------------------------------------GeoJson data, MongoDB JSON backups
      • minigames---------------------------------------------------- Modularized Minigames
    • tic_tac_toe ----------------------------------------------------------------- React.Js Minigame(Not Static)
    • sw.js ----------------------------------------------------------------------Service Worker(Used in the web-push function)
  • views -------------------------------------------------------------------- ejs views and compenents
    • components -------------------------------------------------- components reused in ejs rendering
  • app.js ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the entrance of the application, drives the app
  • package.json ----------------------------------------------------------------------- contains module configuration

Setup for Development Environment

  1. Download and install Node.js

  2. When your node environment is set, clone the github repo to your folder by running the command line:

     > git clone
  3. Install the required Node modules using command line:

     >npm i -g
  4. After installing the modules, test if you could run the app

     >node app.js
  5. If you are going to host it with https protocal, get SSL keys and certificates, and then uncomment the following code:

    const https = require('https');
    var options = {
        key: fs.readFileSync('./privatekey.pem'),
        cert: fs.readFileSync('./certificate.pem')
    https.createServer(options, app).listen(443, function () {
        console.log('Https server listening on port ' + 3011);
  6. Download MongoDB Compass, then connect to the DB using this uri connection string:


    The data for this app is in DB "test"

  7. (Not Suggested)If you want to run the react-based tic tac toe game on your own computer, then you need to go to /resources/tic_tac_toe and do:

     > npm i react -g

    Then Configure the .env file in each of the different folders and set the PORT to a different value.

  8. (Suggested) Deploy the react app to netlify.

  9. You will have to link them together again in the ttt_game_entrance.html .

  10. Congradulations, you have finished setting up the Development Environment ! You can run the app by inputing the following code and hit enter: With React Deployed Locally:

    > npm run dev -concurrently 

    With React Deployed On Netlify:

    > node app.js

The link to test log

The link to reference document