The Canadian Special Operations Forces Command wants to classify drones based on the RADAR signals that bounce off of them. The drone actually distorts the returned frequency: the blades are moving fast, so some micro-doppler frequencies are returned. Each drone has a unique return signal pattern, determined by its dimensions, number of rotors, radial speed of the rotors, number of blades per rotor, etc.
$N$ : The number of blades in a single rotor. -
$f_{rot}$ : (1/s) the frequency of rotation of the rotor. This is drone-dependent, but could be [50, 18]. -
$L_1$ : (meters) The distance of the blade roots from the center of rotation of the rotor. For now, assumed to be 0. -
$L_2$ : (meters) The distance of the blade tips from the center of rotation of the rotor. Differs depending on drone, generally 0.05 to 0.25.
$A_r$ : a scale factor, arbitrary constant. Set to 1 for now. -
$R$ : (meters) The distance from the radar to the center of rotation (the rotor). Could be in the 1000 to 5000 range (a few kilometers). Assumed to be 0 for this hackathon. -
$\theta$ : (radians) the positive angle between the plane of rotation of the rotor and the line of sight from the radar to the center of rotation (of the rotor). In the range [0,$pi/2$ ]. -
$V_{rad}$ : (rad/s) the radial velocity of the center of rotation (of the rotor) with respect to the RADAR. Assumed to be 0 for this hackathon, but this would affect doppler considerations.
$f_c$ : (1/s) the transmitted RADAR frequency. In the range [10GHz, 94 GHz]. -
$\lambda$ : (meters) the wavelength of the transmitted signal. lambda = c/f_c, where c is the speed of light in m/s. -
$t$ : (s) the time, our real-valued continuous input. -
$f_s$ : (1/s) the sampling frequency (how often we sample our RADAR return signal). 10 KHz for X-Band RADAR, 26KHz for W-Band RADAR.
- annotated overview of the whole repository, as well as results. -
- the home for the function that builds$\psi$ , and for generating data from sampling$\psi$ . -
- definitions of the Convolutional Classifier Neural Networks. -
- training script for training a convnet on the generated data. -
- script that generates the filesystem of SW STFTs for all the different frequencies, SNRs, etc. -
- place for storing dictionaries about scenarios and drones -
- analysis tools -
- big function for testing specific neural networks (TODO: make more general) -
- example for plotting a fourier transform, time-domain signals, etc. -
- provides a function to generate short and long-window STFTs.
- scipy
- numpy
- pytorch
- matplotlib
- scikit-learn
- mlxtend
If you're using conda, just run this and it will install everything:
conda env create -f environment.yml
This repository was built for the CANSOFCOM Drone Classification Machine Learning challenge of Hack The North 2020++.
You can see the original challenge in CANSOFCOM_Challenge.pdf.
These are some ideas that I don't have time to implement. (in order of predicted impact on performance)
- Finding the ideal STFT parameters based on the f_s and such.
- Focal Loss instead of crossentropy to focus on classes that are harder
- Small architecture changes. Deeper? Larger receptive field?
- Hyperparam sweep