
A compile time tool to generate source codes for class serialization to and from json.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Qt Json Autogen

A build-time tool that automatically generate implementation for C++ class serialization/deserialization to/from json.

If your project is based on Qt, this tool may help a lot.


qasc(Qt Auto Serialization Compiler) is a code generator based on moc in Qt 5.15.2 source, it will generate the implementation of conversions between classes/enumerations and QJsonObject/QString.

In order to have as little association with the QObject framework as possible, qasc implements the conversion between enumeration and string itself.


// Source
enum Direction {




int main() {
    qDebug() << qAsEnumToJson(Direction::West);
    qDebug() << qAsEnumToJson(Direction::East);
    qDebug() << qAsEnumToJson(Direction::North);
    qDebug() << qAsEnumToJson(Direction::South);
    return 0;
# Output
  • QAS_JSON tells qasc to generate the conversion implementations for class Direction, it also declare two stream operator functions in current scope. If the current scope is a class, use QAS_JSON instead, which will declare two friend functions.

  • __qas_attr__("west") tells qasc that the string form of enum value West should be west. The string form of enum values without this annotation are the original token in your code.

  • __qas_exclude__ tells qasc that enum South won't be processed in conversion.


// Source
class Class {
    class Student {
        enum Gender {

        QString name;
        Gender gender;
        int age;

    QString className;

    QMap<QString, Student> students; // id -> student

    QString otherInfo;

int main() {
    Class cls;
    cls.className = "F114514";
    cls.students = {
        {"1", {"alice", Class::Student::Female, 18}},
        {"2", {"bob",   Class::Student::Male,   17}},
        {"3", {"mark",  Class::Student::Male,   19}},
    cls.otherInfo = "PHP is the best programming language.";
    qDebug().noquote() << QJsonDocument(qAsClassToJson(cls)).toJson();
    return 0;
# Output
    "Class": "F114514",
    "students": {
        "1": {
            "age": 18,
            "gender": "Female",
            "name": "alice"
        "2": {
            "age": 17,
            "gender": "Male",
            "name": "bob"
        "3": {
            "age": 19,
            "gender": "Male",
            "name": "mark"
  • The usage of class is similar to enum.

  • Add a __qas_attr__("XXX") annotation before a declaration of a member to specify key when insert to a json object;

  • By default, the public members will participate in serialization/deserialization while the protected or private members won't.

    • Add a __qas_exclude__ annotation before a public member to exclude it.
    • Add a __qas_include__ annotation before a protected or private member to include it. When a non-public member partipates in serialization/deserialization, the QAS_JSON declaration must be right in the scope of the class, because only friend functions can access the non-public members.
      class Sample {
          QString foo;
          QString bar;
          QAS_JSON(Sample) // This declaration cannot be outside
  • For a derived class, all its public derived super classes will participate in serialization/deserialization while the protected or private ones won't.

    • Add a __qas_exclude__ annotation before a public super class name to exclude it.
    • Add a __qas_include__ annotation before a protected or private super class name to include it. For same reason, you need to declare QAS_JSON in the derived class scope.
      class Foo {
          int foo = 1;
      class Bar {
          int bar = 2;
      class Baz {
          int baz = 3;
      class Qux {
          int qux = 4;
      class Messed :  public                    Foo,
                      protected __qas_include__ Bar,
                      public    __qas_exclude__ Baz,
                      protected                 Qux
          QString token = "what";
  • A class/struct can be serializable by qasc if

    • All its included super classes can be serializd into a json object
    • All its included members meets the following conditions:
      1. A serializable class
      2. A supported container of serialzable classes
        • List and map types in STL or Qt are supported
        • Use macro defined in qas_json_types.h to register your own container
      3. A serializable enumeration
  • Otherwise you may need to use QAS_JSON_IMPL or QAS_JSON_NS_IMPL to declare the functions(2 QAS::JsonStream's stream operators to be overloaded) and implement them yourself.

  • The serializable class should have a parameterless constructor.

  • Initializing member variables in class definitions is not recommended, you should do it in constructor.

    // Not recommended
    struct Foo {
        int a = 1;
        char b{};
  • So we can conclude that constant, reference, pointer members may need to be excluded.

  • Some useful util functions are provided in qjsonstream.h.

Supported Types

C++ Type JSON Type
custom structures/classes object
bool true/false
signed and unsigned integral types number
float and double number
enum and enum class string
QString string
iteratable lists (QVector, QList, std::vector, std::list) array
sets (QSet, std::set, std::unordered_set) array
map (QMap, QHash, std::map, std::unordered_map) object

How To Use

Add Into CMake Project

  • Example CMakeLists.txt

    find_package(qastool REQUIRED)
    set(_src ...            ) # Add source files
    set(_headers_for_qas ...) # Headers using QAS macros
    # Specify your target, for example an exe
    add_executable(${YOUR_TARGET} ${_src})
    # Tell qasc to preprocess your headers
    qas_wrap_cpp(_qasc_src ${_headers_for_qas} TARGET ${YOUR_TARGET})
    # Add auto generated sources to target
    target_sources(${YOUR_TARGET} PRIVATE ${_qasc_src})
  • qas_wrap_cpp simply adds a series of command to generate the extra source files containing the implementations, and return the extra sources list to variable _qasc_src, you need to add them to the target.

  • The codes in generated source files need a number of functions defined in qjsonstream.h.


CMake Identifiers Intro


qas_wrap_cpp(<VAR> src_file1 [src_file2 ...]
            [TARGET target]
            [OPTIONS ...]
            [DEPENDS ...])
  • This macro is modified from qt5_wrap_cpp in Qt cmake modules.
  • Creates rules for calling the Qt Auto Serialization Compiler (qasc) on the given source files. For each input file, an output file is generated in the build directory. The paths of the generated files are added to <VAR>.
  • You can set an explicit TARGET. This will make sure that the target properties INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES and COMPILE_DEFINITIONS are also used when scanning the source files with qasc.
  • You can set additional OPTIONS that should be added to the qasc calls. You can find possible options in the qasc documentation.
  • DEPENDS allows you to add additional dependencies for recreation of the generated files. This is useful when the sources have implicit dependencies.


  • qasc is a lexical analyzer modified from moc in Qt5 tools, it preprocesses source files before building. If any one of the following identifiers appears in a given source file, qasc will generate implementations of serializers and deserializers into stdout or a new file.

    • QAS_JSON
  • qasc has been tested when in Qt6 framework, it works fine.


  • moc
    • Qt Meta Object Compiler (Qt 5.15.2)


  • The moc compiler is a part of Qt sources which is released under GNU LGPL v2.1 or later, which qasc inherited. If you modify any codes in qasc's source files, you need to make your modification open source as the LGPL requires. (Important!!!)

  • Other codes in this project are released under Apache 2.0 License.