
Daily coding challanges to keep myself accountable

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Daily Coding

Day 6 - October 15,2022

Problem 1

Problem 2

Day 5 - October 14,2022

Coding Journal

  • Continuing on yesterdays problems I kept thinking of ways on how to properly sort my data
  • I wasn't able to think of a solution until i read a solution that broke down the problem into smaller parts
  • gather the data and sort it

Problem 1

Day 4 - October 13,2022

Coding Journal

  • took 4 hours trying to solve todays problems
  • learned a lot about regex and different ways to solve problems with it
  • I am able to solve some issues but im over thinking it and making it more complicated than it needs to be
  • i'm not sorting the data correctly and got stuck on that for a while
  • was not able to solve it but I will try again tomorrow

Problem 1

Day 3 - October 12, 2022

Coding Journal

  • how to make my code more modular in my projects.
  • how to make my code more readable.
  • short code doesn't mean good code.
  • My short clever code is not always the best code.


  • Continue to work on my project.
  • completed nav and footer responsive on mobile.
  • finishing up carousel.
  • next is finishing the landing page which should take a couple of hours.

Problem 1

Level: 7 kyu

Time to complete: ~5 minutes


  • I used a for loop to loop through the numbers from 1 to the number passed in as an argument and check if the number is divisible by the number in the loop and if it is I add 1 to the count variable and return the count variable at the end of the function after the loop is done.

Problem 2

Day 2 - October 11, 2022

  • no progress today :(

Day 1 - October 10, 2022

coding journal

  • At The moment I am still working on small business website with a photo gallery and text blog ssg
  • The tech I am using is Nextjs, Tailwindcss, and Strapi cms for the backend
  • the purpose of the project is to learn how to use strapi cms to create a backend for a website and to learn how to use nextjs to create a static site generator for a blog and photo gallery
  • This way I am able to create a website that is easy to update and maintain and I can use it to showcase my work and to learn new things
  • By using a cms I am able to create a website that is easy to update and maintain by the client.
  • I want the client to be able to update the text content or add new blog posts without having to touch any code.
  • no client wants to mess around with any code so a cms is a great way to make it easy for them to update the website.


  • I am going to be using this as a way to keep track of my progress and to keep me motivated to keep coding.

What I learned today

  • I noticed my commits were not registering as contributions on github
  • The issue was with my laptops git config email not matching the email I used to create the github account
  • I fixed this by changing the email in the git config file
  • I also learned that I can use the command git config --global --edit to edit the git config file
  • git config --global user.email "email here"

Problem 1

Level: 7 kyu

Time to complete: ~5 minutes


  • I used a for loop to loop through the numbers from 1 to the number passed in as an argument and check if the number is divisible by the number in the loop and if it is I add 1 to the count variable and return the count variable at the end of the function after the loop is done.

Problem 2

Level: 6 kyu

Time to complete: ~20 minutes


  • I've done a challenge like this before for the amazon assesment.
  • basically check all the values in the string keep a count of the occurances and then return the count of the values that have a count greater than 1.
  • what was hard is trying to remeber how to add to my object and how to check if a key exists in an object. I had to look up the syntax for both of those things.