
Double sided ORM tool module based on Django-ORM.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A tool that can dynamically create Django orm models based on database table structure. 一个可以根据表结构动态创建Django orm 模型的工具。


pip install haorm

Quick Start

First you need to create a configuration file that describes the database connection information. We can quickly generate a template in the current directory through the haorm cli-command:


After running the command you will see a file named dbconfig.json configuration file, the default content is as follows:

  "default": {
    "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql",
    "NAME": "xxx",
    "USER": "postgres",
    "PASSWORD": "",
    "HOST": "",
    "PORT": ""

It is not difficult to find that the configuration file just converts the django dictionary to json format.

Once configured, you are now ready to use:

from haorm import ORM
# ORM is a context manager, it is responsible for loading Django's
# db module according to the given database configuration information.

from haorm import table2model

# The table2model method is responsible for converting the table with
# the specified name under the specified database connection to a django orm model

with ORM(dbconfig='./dbconfig.json'):
    # dbconfig is the path of the configuration file just created
    # deconfig's default value is the absolute path of dbconfig.json 
    # in the current directory

    # Suppose we have a table named student under the default connection
    Student = table2model('student', 'default')

    # Now you have a Django-ORM model of the student table named Student

    record = Student.objects.get(id=1)

    # Enjoy!