
A collaborative project, with a team of 5 members. This is the clone of the official website of AJIO, where you can order a wide variety of products directly to your home and enjoy the service

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is the clone of ajio.com which is created by Govind, Bishal, Harsh, Madhukesh and Deepak. In this app you will able to singup into our system and after that login into it. You can explore all the products of our site and if you want to add products to the cart you have to login and after that you can navigate to our products page where you can further go into our products details and after that you can easily able to add that product to the cart. If you want to proceed with the checkout you can do it by clicking on the checkout button where you have to provide your delivery details. In this site there is also an admin panel where you as an admin can see all the products that are listed on the website and also all the users that are currently registered on the website. You can add, delete, edit the products and that will be reflected on the frontend part of the website.

Tech Stack used

We have used NextJS, Chakra-ui, react router dom, react icons, google's firebase authentication, nextjs sessions to create our frontend and technologies like mongodb, mongoose for our backend.

clone our site

you can use git clone https://github.com/Hars28/economic-nest-8248.git to clone our code. after that go into the folder by typing cd /shopeasy after that npm install to install dependencies and the npm run start to run the app

Team Members