

clone this repo and install all dependencies of both frontend and backend the run backend with npm run dev in one terminal and npm run start on frontend on other terminal. live version of this site: Link


  • Homepage which have all the posts with sorting and pagination
  • Login where user can login with both normal username password and google authentication
  • Singup - user can singup here
  • profile - private route which only a sinedin user can access and only their post will show



  • Users

    • /users/singleuser for internal use
    • /users/signup to signup
    • /users/login will login with username and password
  • Posts

    • /posts/allposts returns all the post with totalPages
    • /posts/myposts returns all the post of loggedin user
  • comments

    • /comments/ will take post_id with query parameter and returns all the comments with that post_id