
Primary LanguageTwigMIT LicenseMIT

Raven Design System (RDS)

RDS, Carleton University’s design system, is a living digital organism uniting campus wide teams around a common visual language.

Note: the instructions below are for developing RDS and its documentation. For building projects with RDS, the latest documentation can be found at https://ravendesignsystem.github.io/rds/.

Setting Up

  1. Clone project:

    git clone https://github.com/ravendesignsystem/rds.git foldername

  2. Install Sculpin and required npm packages with Composer:

    php composer.phar install

  3. Add an example .env file:

    cp ./.env-example ./.env

  4. Contact a RDS core contributor to get the info for the .env file.

Working Locally

  1. Create a feature branch from the develop branch:

    git checkout -b feature_name develop

  2. Build the static files, set a watch task and launch BrowserSync by running the npm script:

    npm run watch

  3. 🙏 make small, single-purpose commits often with clear messages.

Publishing Changes

  1. Compile the static files for production by running the npm script:

    npm run prod

  2. Commit all changes:

    git commit -am "A clear message"

  3. Push branch to Github

    git push origin $feature_name

  4. Squash and merge your feature branch into the develop branch.

  5. Delete the feature branch.

  6. Merge the develop branch into master.

Stop Sculpin Server

In order to fully stop the watch task and sculpin server, you need to do more than stop webpack. Once that is stopped, to the following:

  • sudo lsof -i tcp:8000 - get the PID of the sculpin task and make note of it
  • kill -9 PID - replace PID with the number from the step above


To create and deploy a new release, follow the steps outlined in the Release Doc.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

Authors & Contributors

TODO ...list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details


A hat tip to anyone who's code was used as we've stood on the backs of giants for sure.

Like this README, this project is a WIP. It is also built with Love ❤️

Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore...