
This is an example of tesseract using javacpp lib for runnig tesseract code using java for running at linux, window platform

Primary LanguageJava


This is an example of tesseract using javacpp lib for runnig tesseract code using java for running at linux, window platform

lib folder

  • The lib folder contain all lib wich are required to run the project at linux/window for x86/64 bit.
  • You can remove x86 libs if you are runnig at 64 bit processor.
  • If you are running at window then remove linux libs
  • Must keep for all versil libs javacpp-1.3.3.jar, leptonica-1.73-1.3.jar, tesseract-3.04.01-1.3.jar and other libs depends on which operating system you are running.


  • keep this folder. It is required for traning purpose of tessrecat
  • Currently in that folder only english language traning data set but you can use other language also

Project setup instructions

NetBeans (Java SE 7 or newer):

  • In the Projects window, right-click the Libraries node of your project, and select "Add JAR/Folder...". Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK.

Eclipse (Java SE 7 or newer):

  • Navigate to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries and click "Add External JARs...". Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK.

For futher info goto javacpp-presets