
Auction-like site implemented in Django.

Primary LanguageHTML

Auction Site

Project Overview

This project is a web-based auction site implemented using Django. It allows users to create and bid on auction listings, comment on them, and manage their own watchlists. The project fulfills the following requirements:


The application contains the following models in addition to the default User model:

  1. Category

    • name: The name of the category.
  2. AuctionListing

    • title: The title of the listing.
    • description: A text-based description of the listing.
    • starting_bid: The starting bid for the auction.
    • image_url: An optional URL for an image of the listing.
    • category: The category of the listing (foreign key to Category).
    • created_at: The date and time when the listing was created.
    • active: A boolean indicating if the listing is still active.
    • owner: The user who created the listing (foreign key to User).
  3. Bid

    • amount: The amount of the bid.
    • listing: The auction listing the bid is for (foreign key to AuctionListing).
    • user: The user who placed the bid (foreign key to User).
    • created_at: The date and time when the bid was placed.
  4. Comment

    • content: The content of the comment.
    • listing: The auction listing the comment is for (foreign key to AuctionListing).
    • user: The user who posted the comment (foreign key to User).
    • created_at: The date and time when the comment was posted.


Create Listing

Users can create new auction listings by providing a title, description, starting bid, and optionally an image URL and category.

Active Listings Page

The default route displays all currently active auction listings with their title, description, current price, and photo (if provided).

Listing Page

Clicking on a listing redirects users to a page with all details about the listing, including the current price. Signed-in users can:

  • Add the item to their watchlist.
  • Remove the item from their watchlist.
  • Bid on the item (if the bid is valid).
  • Close the auction (if they created the listing).

Users who have won an auction will see a message indicating they have won when viewing the closed listing.


Signed-in users can view all listings in their watchlist and navigate to individual listing pages from there.


Users can view a list of all categories and see active listings in each category.


Signed-in users can comment on listings. All comments are displayed on the listing page.

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/SinghaniaV/auctions-backend
    cd auctions-backend
  2. Create a virtual environment and activate it:

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install dependencies:

    pip install django
  4. Apply migrations:

    python manage.py makemigrations
    python manage.py migrate
  5. Run the development server:

    python manage.py runserver