
Notes on setting up SteamCMD with Azure and OpenSuse

A collection of notes I've made as part of setting up an Azure and AWS VMs to host games servers. I've tried with both OpenSuse 13.2 and Amazon Linux.

Misc Housekeeping

For OpenSuse

Before getting started I grabbed the man package sudo zypper install man. Because I want me some manuals and apropos and what not.

For Both Dists

Update manual database: sudo mandb. Now I can apropos manuals, which while not strictly needed is certainly helpful for noodling around.

I also grab all my security updates and all the other housekeeping stuff which is a good idea to do, which I use a combination of yast (command line interface) and zypper to do.

Getting Tmux

I also grab tmux sudo zypper install tmux (OpenSuse)/sudo yum install tmux, as it helps with coordinating different running servers.

Setting up a Steam User

Depending on the VM I may have a game user by default, but I want to set up an explicit steam on for SteamCMD.

For OpenSuse

In yast add a new user "steam", set a password (whatevr - I'm about to disable it anyway), and disable user login.

For Amazon Linux

Add a new user via sudo adduser steam.

For Both Dists

After doing that I use sudo passwd -l steam to lock that accounts password. This means that you can't log into this account with a password. The only realistic way you can get to this account at this point is sudo su -l steam (the -i does:Provide an environment similar to what the user would expect had the user logged in directly., which means we don't leak any user state to that account).

Installing Required Libs

For OpenSuse

64 bit Open Suse required me to install the following: libstdc++6-32bit, which brought in all the required deps for SteamCMD.

For Amazon Linux

Amazon linux required me to bring in libstdc++44.i686 (sudo yum install libstdc++44.i686), which was all the deps needed for SteamCmd.

Getting SteamCMD

This page has up to date details with how to grab SteamCMD.

To summarize (all as the steam user):

  • Grab SteamCMD: mkdir ~/steamcmd, cd ~/steamcmd, wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
  • Extract: tar -xvzf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
  • Run that sucker: ./steamcmd.sh

Install Games

The procedure is similar for various games. Some games will require that you're logging in as a user that owns the game, others will allow anonymous access.

Some examples follow.


You need to be logged in with an account that owns Terraria

  • Set the directory to install to: force_install_dir ./terraria/
  • Install with app_update 105600

Once that's done, then you're good to go, there's a TerrariaServer file in the installation directory to start up the server