Front-end Developer Coding Exercise

What you should build

Qriously is a question company, so we would like you to build a small question unit.

The unit should provide the following functionality:

  • It should render a question and three answer options (from the config.js file)
  • The answer options should be clickable & tappable (mouse & touch interfaces)
  • Tapping an option should trigger an AJAX call submitting the vote as a GET parameter (URL can be found in config.js) which will return a results file.
  • The unit should display the results data provided in the JSON response
  • It only needs to run on modern iOS/Android & Chrome desktop browsers - don't worry about any other browsers


Fork this repository & commit your changes to your local branch (don't publish them on GitHub, please.)

Add a build step to gulpfile.babel.js, or build on yourself. (npm commands are fine, for example). That build step should take the code from src/main/, package it if that's necessary, and then move it into the temporary target/ folder.

Replace the file with instructions on how to set things up & run the code. Please also include the NPM & Node version numbers, to make sure we're using the same.
Make sure all dependencies are listed in package.json.

When you're done and all changes are committed, run git clean -df to delete unversioned folders (like node_modules, etc.)

Package whole project into a ZIP file - remember to include any necessary hidden files and folders - e.g. .git.

We will test it on iOS (Safari), Android (Chrome) and desktop (Chrome).


  • Use ES6/ES2015
  • Build using Webpack & Babel (using Gulp or Grunt if you like)
  • Use SCSS or LESS for CSS code
  • Use touch events
  • Tap targets should be as big as possible, a tap nearly anywhere on the ad should result in an interaction, even if it's not on the button
  • Use configuration object in config.js
  • It should be 320 x 50 pixels in size (but responsive, between 320 and 480 pixels width)


  • Make the resulting JavaScript & CSS as small as possible:
    • Use as few dependencies as possible
    • Use lightweight dependencies where possible
    • Minify/obfuscate code
    • Don't use image files
  • As little hardcoded HTML as possible (generate through JS, where possible)
  • Make it look nice
  • Add animations & transitions
  • Annotate types using Flow

Happy Coding!