
Pure LuaJIT binding for SQLite3 databases for Luvit

Primary LanguageLuaOtherNOASSERTION

SQlite3 Interface for Luvit

Pure LuaJIT binding for SQLite3 databases.

Forked from stepelu/lua-ljsqlite3 by Stefano Peluchetti.

Repackaged for lit, Luvit's package manager.


  • all SQLite3 types are supported and mapped to LuaJIT types
  • efficient implementation via value-binding methods and prepared statements
  • ability to extend SQLite3 via scalar and aggregate (Lua) callback functions
  • command-line shell feature
  • results by row or by whole table
local sql = require "sqlite3"
local conn = sql.open("") -- Open a temporary in-memory database.

-- Execute SQL commands separated by the ';' character:
INSERT INTO t VALUES('myid1', 200);

-- Prepared statements are supported:
local stmt = conn:prepare("INSERT INTO t VALUES(?, ?)")
for i=2,4 do
  stmt:reset():bind('myid'..i, 200*i):step()

-- Command-line shell feature which here prints all records:
conn "SELECT * FROM t"
--> id    num
--> myid1 200
--> myid2 400
--> myid3 600
--> myid4 800

local t = conn:exec("SELECT * FROM t") -- Records are by column.
-- Access to columns via column numbers or names:
assert(t[1] == t.id)
-- Nested indexing corresponds to the record number:
assert(t[1][3] == 'myid3')

-- Convenience function returns multiple values for one record:
local id, num = conn:rowexec("SELECT * FROM t WHERE id=='myid3'")
print(id, num) --> myid3 600

-- Custom scalar function definition, aggregates supported as well.
conn:setscalar("MYFUN", function(x) return x/100 end)
conn "SELECT MYFUN(num) FROM t"
--> MYFUN(num)
--> 2
--> 4
--> 6
--> 8

conn:close() -- Close stmt as well.


  • Install the lit package:
lit install SinisterRectus/sqlite3
  • Install sqlite3 as a dynamic library (sqlite3.dll, sqlite3.so) to your project directory.


Refer to the official documentation.