
The orchestrator executes all cypress specs across parallel docker containers based on a configuration file.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🔥 orchestrator 🔥


Orchestrator executes all cypress specs across n parallel docker containers based on a configuration file.

♟️ Orchestrator features:

  • Pares a config file
  • Create n containers machines in parallel
  • Split all specs across all those machines
  • Collect all the execution results from those containers
  • Down all the running containers
  • Generate one HTML report that has all specs execution results.

👌 Installation:

npm -g install 0xislamtaha/orchestrator

🎮 Usage:

  • With the default configuration file i.e, "src/config.json"
  • With your configuration file
orchestrator --config "/path/to/config.json"

If you need to overwrite any configuration on the fly, simplly path the new configuration as a prameter.

orchestrator --config ./src/config.json --parallelizm 2 --environment '{"DOCKER_TAG":"master_283"}' --browsers "[chrome, firefox]"

🔑 Requirements to use orchrestrator:

1- docker-compose file with a cypress service. here is an example of it.

version: '3'
    container_name: SYSTEM_UNDER_TEST
      modules_cypress_tests_nw: {}

    container_name: cypress__container
    image: cypress/browsers:node13.8.0-chrome81-ff75
      - CYPRESS_baseUrl=http://SYSTEM_UNDER_TEST
      - ./cypress/:/cypress
      - ./mochawesome-report:/cypress/report/mochawesome-report
      - /dev/shm:/dev/shm
      modules_cypress_tests_nw: {}

    driver: bridge

2- use mochawsome as a reporter in cypress.json, just add the following snippet to your cypress.json.

  "reporter": "mochawesome",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "reportDir": "cypress/report/mochawesome-report",
    "overwrite": false,
    "html": false,
    "json": true

3- Edit the orchestrator configuration file with your configuration. Here is the description of each configuration option.

- parallelizm:
    description: number of container machines per browser
    type: Integer
    example: 2

- browser:
    description: list of browsers
    type: list
    example: ["chrome", "firefox"]

- timeout:
    description: timeout of each process of cypress 
    type: string
    example: "20m"

- environment:
    description: enviroment variable to be exported 
    type: dict
    example: {"DOCKER_TAG": "master_283"}

- preCommands: 
    description: list of commands to be executed befor the deployment of the cypress containers
    type: list
    example: ["ls -al", "mkdir -p test"],

- dockerComposePath:
    description: path to the docker compose file.
    type: string
    example: "/opt/code/github/cypress.docker-compose.yml"

- specsHomePath:
    description: path to the specs dir in the host machine.
    type: string
    example: "/opt/code/github/cypress/integration/"

- specsDockerPath:
    description: path to the specs dir in the cypress container.
    type: string
    example: "/cypress/integration"

- cypressContainerName:
    description: the name of cypress service.
    type: sting
    example: "cypress_service"

- mochawesomeJSONPath:
    description: path to the mochawseom dir in the host machine.
    type: string
    example: "mochawesome-report/*.json"

- reportPath:
    description: path to save the generated HTML report dir.
    type: string
    example: "./"

🎬 To-Do:

  • Export it to npm registry.
  • Provide --help option.