
A skeleton project for Atk Framework

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

ATK Skeleton Project

This is the skeleton to get ready with the version 9.9.x of Atk Framework

The following is a guide to bootstrap an atk project in linux systems.

First install docker and docker-compose, and then proceed in the following way:

In the project folder:

  1. start all the containers (mysql, php, nginx) with: docker-compose up and wait for docker to download and install the images and compose to fire up the containers.
  2. Install the php vendors with: docker/console.sh composer-install
  3. Insert in the mysql container the skeleton database with: docker/console.sh init-mysql-data

If you arrived here it means docker has created and started 3 containers:

  1. php: this image is the standard PHP7.2 installed from the provided Dockerfile and configured using the configuration files found in docker/php/...
  2. mysql: this is a standard mysql server, it's configured using the docker/mysql/config/my.cnf and persists the database data locally in docker/mysql/data
  3. nginx: standard nginx image configured using the files in docker/nginx/config...

Now if you navigate to http://localhost:8080/ you should obtain the ATK Login page. The default admin user is 'sintattica' and if APP_ENV==dev no password will be required to log in.

Team Sintattica