
Can I remotely call a .urp program written on teach pendant using urx?

srujan-aris opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a program (program.urp) written on the ur10e teach pendant.
I want to call this program from a remote machine using the program name. Is it possible with this library, may be using the send_program() method?

Do you need to use urx specifically? Or just remote in general?

you can do this over the dashboard server; no reason you couldnt have python send the string :
Dashboard Server

Do you need to use urx specifically? Or just remote in general?

you can do this over the dashboard server; no reason you couldnt have python send the string :
Dashboard Server

Hi. Thanks for your reply. I was looking for a solution to control remotely. Not particularly with urx. I eventually figured out about the dashboard server after I opened this issue. This can be closed now. Thanks again.