
Server instances for the bedelibry project.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Note: For the structure of resources and resource locations, we can use urls. This allows for both http:// and file:// locations, so seems ideal for my use case.


In this project, I am building the entity microservice server for bedelibry. The purpose of this server is to:

  1. Generate unique compact timestamps. GET http://server/timestamp

  2. Adding a new entity. POST http://server/entities data: ...

  3. Retrieving data about (data) entities GET http://server/entities/<PRIMARY_ID>/<FIELD_NAME>

    Makes a request to the SQL server to fetch the field of the entity in question.

  4. Make queries to the server. GET http://server/request?args=... data: ...

    1. "Is a data entity referenced in the server?"
    2. "Is an entity referenced in the server?" -- Note: This is useful for making assertions which make new entities in bli-prolog.
  5. Adding a new alias to an entity. PATCH http://server/entities/<PRIMARY_ID> data: id: this_is_a_new_identifier

    response: The server should respond with an error if the name already exists, along with which primaryId that alias belongs to. otherwise, return a success code, and update the entity with the new alias.

In addition, to interface with the possible relations that a server can ask about, we can also make the following requests:

  1. Get all schema data stored by the server GET http://server/schema

  2. Get a specific sub-schema GET http://server/schema/<name_of_subschema>

  3. Add a new relation to the schema stored by the server (stored in a misc. schema) PATCH http://server/schema data: ... side effect: Creates a new table of the appropriate name in the configured sql database used to store the relational facts.

  4. Add a new relation to a specific sub-schema of the server. PATCH http://server/schema/<name_of_subschema> (data + side effects similar to the above)

  5. Make a query which can be handled by the SQL backend. GET http://server/sql_query data: ??? * For instance, using select statements, we can make queries of the form pred(X,a,b,c), pred(a,X,b,c), pred(X,a,Y,c), etc... and we can integrate these into our search procedure.

Note: There are two types of entities:

  1. A data entity, which is a static resource that is not liable to change.
  2. An object entity, like a person, for instance, which is liable to change.

The first has a primary_id which is determined by its content, whereas the second is determined entirely by it's primary_id. However, either kind of entity can have a set of other ids (aliases) assosciated with them.

Collision handling:

One important feature of the entity microservice is collision handling of identifiers. In the off-chance of an MD5 collision, the entity server should prepend alphanumeric digits in the order 1, 2, ..., 9, a, b, c, ..., z, A, B, C, ..., Z to the id of an entity until collisions no longer occur.

Approach for generating primaryIds for data entities

In our architecture, data entities are stored in an SQL database. And thus, they have a name, as well as a number of different fields, where each field has a name. The name of each of the fields is either auto-generated by the database, or a meaningful name. For instance:

table quotes_by_wittgenstein_i_like:

| primaryId | content ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | "adsfalkf" | "This is a quote by wittgenstein that I found very intriguing." |


Note: For the sake of later flexibility in design, we also store the primaryId of data entities in the relevant SQL tables. This should all be stripped in the process that I describe here.

Each row of such a database should be parsed into JSON (or really, probably some form of BSON) representation, for instance:

{ "table": "quotes_by_wittgenstein_that_i_like", "content": "This is a quote by wittgenstein that I found very intriguing." }

and this representation is then hashed. For example, if we run:

./hexToInt '{"table": "quotes_by_wittgenstein_that_i_like","content":"This is a quote by wittgenstein that I found very intriguing."}'


Whereas, if we change the table name, for example, we get a different result: ./hexToInt '{"table": "quotes","content":"This is a quote by wittgenstein that I found very intriguing."}'


So, in other words, a quote by Wittgenstein as a generic quotation, is different from a quote by Wittgenstein as a quotation by Wittgenstein.

Note: (this is just an interesting design idea): Associated with each table is a set of Prolog rules. For example:

% quote_by_wittgenstein_that_i_like.meta.pl

quote(PID) :- 
   quote_by_wittgenstein_that_i_like(PID, X).
author(PID, wittgenstein) :-
   quote_by_wittgenstein_that_i_like(PID, X).
content(PID, X) :-
   quote_by_wittgenstein_that_i_like(PID, X).
likes(nate, PID) :-
   quote_by_wittgenstein_that_i_like(PID, X).

However, this raises some difficulties. Namely, if we also want to have a general database of quotations, then our first rule doesn't make sense, because the automatically generated PID of the "quote" version will be different from the PID of the "quote_by_wittgenstein_that_i_like" version.

To deal with this, we might have two different types of IDs: A "raw" ID, which only deals with the pure content of a table (i.e. doesn't take into account table name), and a "categorical" ID, which does take this into account. However, I'm not sure how good of an idea this is.

Note: One potential use for the rule file would be to add values to different tables on insert to the specified table. Is such a thing possible with native SQL? -- Yes, these are called triggers in the database world.

Note: One important property to keep in mind when structuring our knowledge representation model is that of completeness. Namely, if a query can be answered in our system, it will be. (compare, e.x. breadth first search and depth first search strategies).

  It would be useful in benchmarking our application to allow for different *stratigies* that we can
  enable and disable at will. For instance, we could choose either a
  strategy for our database fact processing, or a 
  strategy. So, e.x. we have:
                              | PROCESS_META_PL
  each of these strategies should ensure completeness, but there may be differences in

Note: To make the query language more like natural language syntax (and closer to the idea of the lambek calculus), we could add postfix operators to the language, e.x.

quote(X) that(likes(i, X)). ~~~~> that(quote(X), likes(i, X))

(although, at this moment, I'm not entirely sure what problem this would solve.)

Multi-user features

Note that it may be possible to have multiple users of bedelibry who can communicate with eachother.

For instance, a user can ask if another user has data about some primaryID using the following syntax:

(Note: This syntax is depreciated by most modern browers. But we would still use the underlying authentication architecture here)

GET https://:@external.server/entities/

and if the user of this external bedelibry server has configured their entity server to allow outside access for this particular request by this particular user, and if they have configured a password, then this is a valid password, the request will go through. Otherwise, an authorization failure is returned.

API Documentation

See API doc.


See todo list.