
A JS/HTML canvas game.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

=================================== SpacePirates

A JS/HTML canvas game.

Simple game built using Javascript and the HTML5 canvas; latest stable build can be viewed here: http://apps.alexjollands.com/spacemining/

=================================== Instructions

Press TAB to bring focus to the Canvas (EventListeners then respond)

Press W, A and D to move.

Press SPACEBAR to fire RED lasers. Press B to fire BLUE lasers. Press G to fire GREEN lasers.

Press P to initiate an enemy ship sequence - ship navigates from off-screen to random coordinate (within range), and then turns tracking the player's ship.

Press O to place an asteroid randomly.

Press T to toggle instructions.

Press Y to toggle debug mode - very pretty!

=================================== DEBUGGING:

Game.printToDebugConsole(message) now prints to console.log.

To view this, open the game in Chrome. Right click on the canvas; inpect element. From the tabs at the top, select 'Console' - view JS errors and our messages here.