- The Back-end is built with C# Asp.Net core 3.1 API's
- The Frond-end with React 18.1.0 and Typescript 4.6.4
- Clone the repo.
- Open the back end project first, look for .sln file inside the root folder.
- double click and open it.
- Restore the nuggets.
- Run database scripts in EmployeeProjectManagement.Data/DbScripts/.
- Start with Database creation.sql script.
- follow with Add DataOfBirth Column.sql script.
- Lastly, run Select from all tables.sql to see the data in tables.
- Run the all tests first and then the project.
- open this folder (Front-End\employee.project.management.ui) in visual studio code, this is the front end project.
- firstly, install node packages (npm install)
- then npm start to run the front-end app.
- Lastly, open this link in your browser type http://localhost:3000/ if you have another app running at this port number look at your log terminal for a different port number.
- NB: You can also use postman to test the API's only.