
This Application consist of the Back-end and Frond-end

  • The Back-end is built with C# Asp.Net core 3.1 API's
  • The Frond-end with React 18.1.0 and Typescript 4.6.4
  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Open the back end project first, look for .sln file inside the root folder.
  3. double click and open it.
  4. Restore the nuggets.
  5. Run database scripts in EmployeeProjectManagement.Data/DbScripts/.
  • Start with Database creation.sql script.
  • follow with Add DataOfBirth Column.sql script.
  • Lastly, run Select from all tables.sql to see the data in tables.
  1. Run the all tests first and then the project.
  2. open this folder (Front-End\employee.project.management.ui) in visual studio code, this is the front end project.
  3. firstly, install node packages (npm install)
  4. then npm start to run the front-end app.
  5. Lastly, open this link in your browser type http://localhost:3000/ if you have another app running at this port number look at your log terminal for a different port number.
  6. NB: You can also use postman to test the API's only.