This dataset includes all Major Crime Indicators (MCI) 2014 to 2018 occurrences by reported date and related offences. The Major Crime Indicators categories are Assault, Break and Enter, Auto Theft, Robbery and Theft Over.
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In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the Toronto Police Service has taken the necessary measures to protect the privacy of individuals involved in the reported occurrences. No personal information related to any of the parties involved in the occurrence will be released as open data.
The location of crime occurrences have been deliberately offset to the nearest road intersection node to protect the privacy of parties involved in the occurrence. All location data must be considered as an approximate location of the occurrence and users are advised not to interpret any of these locations as related to a specific address or individual.
The reported crime dataset is intended to provide communities with information regarding public safety and awareness. The data supplied to the Toronto Police Service by the reporting parties is preliminary and may not have been fully verified.
Occurrence: A written document that reflects an occurrence, unusual problem, incident, deviation from standard practice, or situation that requires follow-up action.
Offence: A violation against the Criminal Code of Canada or other federal statute, provincial act, or municipal by-law. Offences are counted in the year they are reported to police rather than the year the offence occurred. Please note that this map shows the number of offences and some occurrences may have multiple offences.
Assault: The direct or indirect application of force to another person, or the attempt or threat to apply force to another person, without that person’s consent.
Auto Theft: The act of taking or another person's vehicle (not including attempts). Auto Theft figures represent the number of vehicles stolen.
Break and Enter: The act of entering a place with the intent to commit an indictable offence therein.
Robbery: The act of taking property from another person or business by the use of force or intimidation in the presence of the victim.
Theft Over: The act of stealing property in excess of $5,000 (excluding auto theft).
Original dataset can be found at Toronto Police Service PUBLIC SAFETY DATA PORTAL
MCI 2014 to 2018