
bootstraptable js/css select row and change selected example

Primary LanguageHTML

Bootstraptable Example

This is bootstraptable js/css select row and change selected row color example, without checkboxes. I wanted some clean interface original examples have first row with checkboxes, which looks kind of ugly You can use selected row data to send with AJAX request to server etc.

Check JS console for ouput, example:

Object { id: "5", name: "Uriah, India, Samson, Sawyer", atd: "Paul", address: "Ap #315-5674 Ut Avenue", country: "Northern Mariana Islands", tel: "991-0340", email: "cursus.Integer.mollis@eleifendegestasSed.edu", web: "NLK36EBL3JD", fin: "K1L 6P2" }

Check js source code in the end of index.html and have fun :)