
Primary LanguageShell


Just the repo I use to store my dotfiles for when I reinstall a different Linux distribution daily!

Usage notes

  • The background image is file ~/.bg.png
  • The keybind to launch albert is LALT+D

Required packages

  • i3
  • font-awesome >= 5
  • dejavu fonts
  • bash >= 4.0
  • bc
  • top
  • albert
  • pulseaudio
  • feh
  • adwata
  • adwata-qt
  • realpath
  • xdg-utils
  • eye of gnome

Packages to install for various distros

  • Voidlinux -> xbps-install -Sy i3 i3block font-awesome5 bc feh albert pulseaudio

Install notes

  • If using the .vimrc config please check inside the config on how to setup vim

Install locations

  • The i3 folder should be installed into the ~/.config dir
  • The i3blocks folder should be installed into the ~/.config dir
  • The .vimrc file should be installed to the ~/ dir
  • The .bashrc file should be installed to the ~/ dir
  • The gtk-3.0 folder should be installed to the ~/.config dir