A simple tetris game for Sony NetMD portables, currently targetting Type-S NetMD (CXD2678, CXD2680) devices with single row displays.
This application serves as a template project for building code for the Sony NetMD portables, while also demonstrating the results from the firmware reverse engineering efforts (see https://github.com/Sir68k/md-firmware).
Developed with a MZ-N520, confirmed working on an MZ-N710.
Type-S (CXD2678, CXD2680) devices:
- The build directory contains builds for firmwares S1.0, S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S1.4, S1.5, and S1.6.
Type-R (CXD2677) devices:
- No support yet, might be added in the future.
MiniTris is built-in Web MiniDisc Pro (https://web.minidisc.wiki/) and you can launch it directly from the factory mode! Press "Prev" to start the game. During the game you can press "Menu" to exit (it will restart the device).
The correct hex build (hex_builds/minitris_yourversion.hex) needs to be loaded to 0x02005500
in memory and then executed. Asivery's NetMD IDE supports loading uploading raw hex data to a particular memory offset and executing it (https://github.com/asivery/netmd-asm-ide).