
create tftp environment to boot and perform installation over network (now: Desktop from server image)

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


a complete netboot-server-rollout for deploying ubuntu installations over pxe


  • running dnsmasq as docker instance using ferrarimarco/pxe; refer configs/dnsmasq/pxe.conf for configuration your custom config in /etc/dnsmasq.d/yourconf.conf
  • running http server pointing to the http-folder, or it's symbolic link; I'm using a goStatic docker container for this. A compose sample is placed in configs/compose/
  • if you have a lot of deployments, it's recommended to use a cached proxy like nesus3 like this repo. Peek into compose.yml for a docker deployment. The nexus-setup ist documented in configs/nexus-config.yaml


  • link via ln -s the folders http and tftp to your favourite server folders
  • be aware of struggling with existing DHCP-servers and dnsmasq in the same network. This is not a part of this topic: simply search online for this. Just run getRequirements.sh to fullify all required structures and files to make a netboot for ubuntu jammy happen.

Run tftp/getRequirements.sh to fullyfy all directories and files from it's folder after initial clone

Example target directory structures:

├── README.md
├── compose.yaml
├── pxe.conf
└── tftpboot
    ├── boot
    │   ├── grub
    │   │   ├── grub.cfg
    │   │   ├── unicode.pf2
    │   │   └── x86_64-efi
    │   │       ├── command.lst
    │   │       ├── crypto.lst
    │   │       ├── fs.lst
    │   │       └── terminal.lst
    │   └── jammy
    │       ├── initrd
    │       └── vmlinuz
    ├── getReqirements.sh
    ├── grub -> boot/grub
    ├── grubnetx64.efi
    ├── grubnetx64.efi.signed
    ├── ldlinux.c32 -> syslinux/bios/ldlinux.c32
    ├── libutil.c32 -> syslinux/bios/libutil.c32
    ├── memtest32.bin
    ├── memtest32.efi
    ├── memtest64.bin
    ├── memtest64.efi
    ├── menu.c32 -> syslinux/bios/menu.c32
    ├── pxelinux.0
    ├── pxelinux.cfg
    │   └── default
    ├── syslinux
    │   └── bios
    │       ├── ldlinux.c32
    │       ├── libutil.c32
    │       └── menu.c32
    └── tftp-ubuntu-installation
        └── pxe
            ├── README.md
            ├── compose.yaml
            ├── mt86plus_7.00.binaries.zip
            ├── pxe.conf
            └── tftpboot
                ├── boot
                │   ├── grub
                │   │   ├── grub.cfg
                │   │   ├── unicode.pf2
                │   │   └── x86_64-efi
                │   │       ├── command.lst
                │   │       ├── crypto.lst
                │   │       ├── fs.lst
                │   │       └── terminal.lst
                │   └── jammy
                │       ├── initrd
                │       └── vmlinuz
                ├── getReqirements.sh
                ├── grub -> boot/grub
                ├── grubnetx64.efi
                ├── grubnetx64.efi.signed
                ├── ldlinux.c32 -> syslinux/bios/ldlinux.c32
                ├── libutil.c32 -> syslinux/bios/libutil.c32
                ├── memtest32.bin
                ├── memtest32.efi
                ├── memtest64.bin
                ├── memtest64.efi
                ├── menu.c32 -> syslinux/bios/menu.c32
                ├── pxelinux.0
                ├── pxelinux.cfg
                │   └── default
                ├── syslinux
                │   └── bios
                │       ├── ldlinux.c32
                │       ├── libutil.c32
                │       └── menu.c32
                └── tftp-ubuntu-installation
                    └── pxe
                        └── tftpboot
├── autoinstall
│   └── jammy
│       ├── assets
│       │   ├── hostValues
│       │   ├── lockRepos.sh
│       │   ├── modFsTab.sh
│       │   ├── rmLocalUsers
│       │   ├── rmLocalUsers.service
│       │   ├── rmSnap.sh
│       │   ├── setConnCurr.sh
│       │   ├── setConnNM.sh
│       │   ├── setGraphics.sh
│       │   ├── setGraphics_ppa.sh
│       │   ├── setHosts.sh
│       │   └── sources.list
│       └── ubuntu2204_desktop_efi_hardened.yaml
└── images
    ├── INFO.txt
    └── ubuntu-22.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso