
Instagram Toolkit For Auto [Like/Com/Follow/Report] With Emails.

Primary LanguagePython


Instagram Toolkit For Auto [Like/Com/Follow/Report] With Emails.

>>> ================================================================ <<<
>>>    ____  ___ _   _ ____ _____  _        ____  _   _  ___  ____   <<<
>>>   / __ \|_ _| \ | / ___|_   _|/ \      / ___|| | | |/ _ \|  _ \  <<<
>>>  / / _` || ||  \| \___ \ | | / _ \ ____\___ \| |_| | | | | |_) | <<<
>>> | | (_| || || |\  |___) || |/ ___ \_____|__) |  _  | |_| |  __/  <<<
>>>  \ \__,_|___|_| \_|____/ |_/_/   \_\   |____/|_| |_|\___/|_|     <<<
>>>   \____/                                                         <<<
>>> ================================================================ <<<
>>> [DEV] : SIRBUGS (Fares Walid)                                    <<<
>>> [GitHub] : https://www.github.com/sirbugs                        <<<
>>> [Version] : 1.2.V                                                <<<
>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <<<
$ pip install requests
$ python Insta.py

How to use

  • Requirements
    • Fast internet connection
    • Path list [user:Pass]
    • requests module

Choose a tool:

  • You need to choose a tool [like || coment || follow || report].
  • Choose Nums Only [Like:1 || Comment:2 || Follow:3 || Report:4].

The file path:

  • The file path emails have to be like:

The urls Entering:


[❓]: Which python version do i need?
[A]: Python 2.7

[❓]: Im not getting any Results?
[A]: Check Your Internet Connection

[❓]: The Script Is Spamming (Login Failed)?
[A]: Check Your Emails Path.

Come Out & Updates

22/05/2019: First come out of the script (Beta) V1.0. 😃

04/06/2019: Updates: Auto caputring for random X-CSRF-TOKEN V1.1. 😃

22/06/2019: Updates: Fixed report tool, Fixed cookies arguments errors V1.2. 😃


Facebook: https://facebook.com/SIRBUGS 👈
Made with ❤️ in Egypt

Programmed By SIRBUGS ❤️