
offy is a tool for bugbounty hunters to save money in their EC2 instances

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offy is a tool for bugbounty hunters to save money in their EC2 instances


I actually created this tool cuz I noticed that Amazon is getting hella money from the people who forgets their machines opened So I decided to create this tool, Which would:

  1. Keep remembering me that my instance is running
  2. Stop my instance after a long command to save money
  3. Stop the machine from a command without need to open EC2/AWS website


  1. Go Installation
    • Install go, run:
    •  ▶ brew install go
       ▶ git clone https://github.com/SirBugs/offy.git
  2. Code installation and configuration
    • Go to: https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/iamv2/home and create a user with a SecurityGroup with permission called AmazonEC2FullAccess, Then create your Keys !!
    • Alt text
    • If you don't know to create the Access Key ID and Secret Key ID in your IAM Panel, Ask ChatGPT or search !! Google is your friend !!
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    • run: brew install awscli and confirm/check if it's installed by running: aws --version
    • Now configure awscli by running: aws configure, Then submit your generated Key, Secret, Region, default
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  3. Configuring Telegram and Discord
    • To Configure your Telegram bot, Open @BotFather and create your own bot and set the API token of it, It's like: 6342603457:AAH6Im9kxIdDeXS3J01hKkC1lvjl9RmQoPp
    • To Get your Telegram ChatID visit: https://t.me/chat_id_echo_bot and send a /start message
    • Go search now about how to create a Webhook for your discord text channel and set the webhook URL too, It's like: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1128499857370200126/GqDm49FpeQ-c4fdhlM5g44TrlfKd9dvyWkAoh_nVyvLc5OFgTr5FerTvHdW8s3kN3Yq
    • Set your discord username too, like: UserName#8344
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  4. Saving aliases
    • Save in your ~/.profile :: alias offy="go run /home/sirbugs/Desktop/Tools/offy/main.go"
    • Save in your ~/.profile :: alias noffy="nohup go run /home/sirbugs/Desktop/Tools/offy/main.go > output.log 2>&1 &" as alias called noffy in your ~/.profile, and each time you open your machine just run noffy and keep going
    • Don't forget to run: `source ~/.profile
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  • It can keep reminding you every one hour about your instance if it's running or not, just run: noffy
  • If you running something taking time for example nuclei and you want the machine to stop after this command, just run: nuclei ..........; offy stop
  • You can use it directly to stop the instance after finishing using it via command: offy stop


  • (1.0.0) :: Published


This tool was written in Golang 1.19.4, Made with all love in Egypt! <3

Twitter@SirBagoza , Github@SirBugs