
This tool is created for automatic solving pentesterlab.com code review badge

Primary LanguagePython

Pentesterlab CodeReview Automatic Solver

This tool is created for automatic solving pentesterlab.com code review badge





  • Viewing Help
python3 Auto_Pentesterlab_Solver.py / python3 Auto_Pentesterlab_Solver.py -h,--help
  • Normal Usage
python3 Auto_Pentesterlab_Solver.py -l <LAB-URL> -c <COOKIES>
# Lab is getting submitted like: https://pentesterlab.com/exercises/ruby_09
-l, --lab
   <URL> of the pentesterlab without addons
-c, --cookie
   cookies of your pentesterlab account

Seeing after running:

                    _           _____       _                
         /\        | |         / ____|     | |               
        /  \  _   _| |_ ___   | (___   ___ | |_   _____ _ __ 
       / /\ \| | | | __/ _ \   \___ \ / _ \| \ \ / / _ \ '__|
      / ____ \ |_| | || (_) |  ____) | (_) | |\ V /  __/ |   
     /_/    \_\__,_|\__\___/  |_____/ \___/|_| \_/ \___|_|   
# ------------------------------------------------------------ #
        This Tool Is Made For Fun! Don't Cheat Bro xD <3
   Automatic Solver For "Code Review" Section In PentesterLab
           Author : Twitter@SirBagoza $ Github@sirbugs
              Made With Love & Coded By: Python3 <3
# ------------------------------------------------------------ #

[ => ] Target: exercises/ruby_09

[ + ] Detecting Code Language ..
[ => ] Code 1 Language: language-ruby
[ => ] Code 2 Language: language-ruby

[ + ] Detecting File Name ..
[ => ] File 1 Name Detected config/routes.rb
[ => ] File 2 Name Detected app/controllers/user_controller.rb

[ + ] Detecting Code Area ..
[ => ] Code 1 Detected (config/routes.rb - 5 Lines)!! 
[ => ] Code 2 Detected (app/controllers/user_controller.rb - 11 Lines)!! 

[ + ] Detecting Bug Types ..
[ => ] Detected 5 Bugs
       => Bug : Broken Authentication
       => Bug : Filter Bypass
       => Bug : Host Header Injection
       => Bug : Data/Unicode Manipulation
       => Bug : Email HTML Injection

[ !! ] We Are In Multi Mode !!


git clone https://github.com/SirBugs/Pentesterlab-CodeReview-Solver.git
  • Installing with SSH
  • Installing the dependencies in a virtualenv
cd Pentesterlab-CodeReview-Solver
pip install -r requirements.txt


Take your cookies by intercepting it with burp, google/firefox developer tools, any tool! Not Matter <3

Visit My @Twitter, @Github, @Hackerone