
android-cached-sensitives is a tool checking for the sensitive data being leaked in the /data/data/com.example.app directory/files

Primary LanguagePython


android-cached-sensitives is a tool for mobile application pentesters, checking for the sensitive data being leaked in the /data/data/com.example.app directory/files.


  • You need to install python3 (Any Version) im using 3.10 currently :D
git clone https://github.com/SirBugs/android-cached-sensitives.git
  • Add the following line into your ~/.profile alias android-cached-sensitives="python3.10 /Users/xXxXx/Tools/android-cached-sensitives/main.py"
  • Don't forget to run: source ~/.profile
  • Now call android-cached-sensitives, It shoudl be called normally :D

How To Use?

  • First of all, we need to pull the data/data/com.example.app of the targetted application via running: adb pull /data/data/com.example.app ./
  • Now cd com.example.app, run android-cached-sensitives
usage: main.py [-h] (-c CONFIG | -t TEXT)
main.py: error: one of the arguments -c/--config -t/--text is required
  • We can use -t to search for single, specific text
  • Using -c --config needs submission of a .json file contains the patterns like:
    "phone": "010x0x0x4x9",
    "balance": "4,250",
    "PIN": "151515"
  • The output will be something like this:


Made with love in Egypt, By @SirBugs :D

Best Regards.