This script was designed to fulfill some CI requirements for an Android project. As part of my final year university project.
- Send a message to a channel.
- Attach an image to the message.
- Provide a local image to be uploaded and attached.
- Add footer/author name to an image upload.
- A quiet mode that silences the output of curl.
- Curl
Clone the project:
git clone
Grant permissions on the file:
chmod a+x
Go to apps on the Slack website and create a new app.
Enable incoming webhooks for the new application.
At the bottom of the page click "Add New Webhook to Team" and then grant permission of the app to a channel of your choice.
Add the new webhook URL to the variable $webhook
-m Message
-f Footer
-i Image URL to attach
-u Image to upload and attach
-q quiet mode. Stops curl output.
-h Help
Example usage on CircleCI. Capturing, pulling and uploading a screenshot from an Android device to a Slack chat
adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screen.png
adb pull /sdcard/screen.png
chmod a+x
./ -m "CircleCI build no $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM" -u "screen.png"
./ -h
./ -m "message"
./ -i "url"
./ -f "text"
./ -u "file's local path"
Image uploading is done with a fork of Tremby's script. See the fork here.
./ -q