Developers Conferences Agenda/List
This repository lists a maximum of conference dates to help conference organizers.
As a conference organizer, we always ask ourselves what will be the ideal date for the event?
One piece of data to take into account is the date of other events, but how do you find it?
And as a developer, a technical lover, we want to have a calendar, we want to know when will be the next event.
I propose you this GitHub repository in order to list all the conferences for developers in France, Europe and the world.
You want to contribute, add an event or your event? Perfect! Just do a Pull Request (PR) in order to update this developers conferences agenda. If everybody contribute to this repo, it can really help conferences organizer and another goal of this idea is to list a maximum of conferences for developers. If they don't know your conference they can't buy a ticket and come to it 😏.
This tech conferences agenda list can be seen in
All the data (past and coming) is available publicly in JSON:
- conferences :
- CFPs :
Gitpod integration
- 2-3: DevOps Days Denmark - Copenhagen (Denmark)
- 3-4: DevOps Days Zurich - Zurich (Switzerland)
- 3-4: Stockholm Tech Show - Stockholm (Sweden)
- 4: Codecamp_Festival - Bucharest, Romania
- 4: Google Cloud Bali - Bali (Indonesia)
- 4: Conf42: Site Reliability Engineering 2023 - Online
- 4-5: DevGuild: Open Source - San Francisco (USA)
- 4-6: Devoxx Greece - Athens (Greece)
- 7: Google Cloud Community Day - Kolkata (India)
- 8-12: JAX - Mainz (Germany) & Online
- 9-10: Codemotion Madrid - Madrid (Spain)
- 9-12: WomenTech Global Conference - Online
- 10: Google I/O - Mountain View (USA)
- 10: We Love Speed - Paris (France)
- 10: EDA Summit 2023 - Online
- 10-11: Remix - Salt Lake City, Utah (USA)
- 10-12: Devoxx UK - London (UK)
- 10-12: Open Source Summit NA - Vancouver (Canada)
- 10-12: KCD Turkey 2023 - Istanbul (Turkey)
- 11: SwampUP San Jose - San Jose (USA)
- 11: A11yParis - Paris (France)
- 11-12: BeJS Conference - Brussels (Belgium) & Online
- 11-13: Global Azure - World & Online
- 12: AFUP Day - Lille & Lyon (France)
- 12: SoCraTes Rennes - Rennes (France)
- 12-15: Vue.js Live Conference - London (UK) & Online
- 13: Global Azure Purwokerto - Cilacap, Jawa Tengah (Indonesia)
- 15-18: SLOconf 2023 - Online
- 16: ObservabilityCON Singapore - Singapore
- 16-17: Kafka Summit London - London (UK)
- 16-17: DevOps Enterprise Summit Amsterdam - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- 16-18: php tek - Illinois (USA)
- 17-20: PyCon LT - Vilnius (Lithuania)
- 17-18: Qubit Conference Prague - Prague (Czech Republic)
- 17-18: KubeHuddle Toronto 2023 - Toronto (Ontario, Canada)
- 17: TEQNation - Utrecht (Netherlands) -
- 18: ObservabilityCON Sidney - Sidney (Australia)
- 18: Conf42: Machine Learning 2023 - Online
- 18-19: JS Heroes - in Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
- 18-19: phpday - Verona (Italy) & Online
- 18-19: Spring I/O - Barcelona (Spain)
- 18-19: Craft Conference - Budapest (Hungary)
- 22-23: Code Europe - Cracow (Poland)
- 22-24: Percona Live - Denver (USA)
- 23: Infobip Shift Miami - Miami (USA)
- 23: VoxxedDays Brussels - Brussels (Belgium)
- 23-24: Aquilité - Online
- 23-26: DevOps Pro Europe - Vilnius (Lithuania) & Online
- 23-25: Web À Québec - Quebec City (Canada)
- 24-26: Vueconf.US - New Orleans (USA)
- 25-26: Newcrafts Paris - Paris (France)
- 25-26: NDC Oslo - Oslo (Norway)
- 25-26: Code Europe - Cracow (Poland)
- 25-28: PyCon Italia 2023 - Florence (Italy)
- 26: Devfest Lille - Lille (France)
- 26-29: GOTO Amsterdam - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- 27: Polycloud - Montpellier (France)
- 29-06/06: React Summit - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- 30-31: jPrime - Sofia (Bulgaria)
- 31: SANS Community Night at Jakarta - Jakarta (Indonesia)
- 31-2: Devoxx Poland - Krakow (Poland)
- 31-2: Web2Day - Nantes (France)
- 1: Javaday - Paris (France)
- 1: WAX - Aix-en-Provence (France)
- 1: JSNation - Amsterdam (Netherland)
- 1-2: JCON OpenBlend Slovenia - Portorož (Slovenia)
- 1-2: Agile Tour Toulouse - Toulouse (France)
- 1-2: CDE Universe - San Francisco (USA)
- 2: Flutter Connection - Paris (France)
- 2-3: Sud Web - Toulouse (France)
- 5: JSNation - Online
- 6: CONFER Conference - Online
- 6-7: JNation - Coimbra (Portugal)
- 6-9: Future Frontend - Helsinki (Finland)
- 7: Serverless Days Paris - Paris (France)
- 8: Conf42: Observability 2023 - Online
- 8-9: DDD Europe - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- 8-9: PlatformCon - Online
- 8-10: WordCamp Europe - Athens (Greece)
- 9: GothamGo - New York (USA)
- 10-15: Sharkfest23 US - San Diego
- 12-14: GrafanaCon - Online
- 12-16: Microsoft 365 EduCon DC - Washington (US)
- 13-15: OpenInfra Summit - Vancouver (Canada)
- 13-15: QCon New York - New York (USA)
- 13-15: Beam Summit - New York (USA)
- 14-15: OW2 openSource Conf - Paris (France)
- 14-17: VivaTech (Viva Technology) - Paris (France)
- 15: KCD Zurich - Zurich (Switzerland) & Online
- 15-16: DevOps Days Birmingham UK - Birmingham (UK)
- 15-16: Le Camping des Speakers - Baden (France)
- 15-16: SymfonyOnline - Online
- 15-17: Pas Sage En Seine - Choisy-le-Roi (France)
- 16: Agile Lyon - Lyon
- 17: KCD Mumbai - Mumbai (India)
- 20: Mobilis in Mobile - Nantes (France)
- 20: Cloud Est - Villeurbanne (France)
- 20-22: Adeo DevSummit - Lille (France)
- 20-23: JCON EUROPE 2023 - Düsseldorf (Germany)
- 20-23: CloudLand 2023 - Phantasialand near Cologne (Germany)
- 21: J-Spring - Utrecht (Netherlands)
- 21-22: Voxxed Days Luxembourg - Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
- 21-22: DevTalks - Bucharest (Romania)
- 21-23: DevOps Days Amsterdam - Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- 21-23: Rencontres R - Avignon (France)
- 26-28: Monitorama 2023 - Portland, OR (USA)
- 26-29: GopherCon Europe 2023 - Berlin (Germany)
- 26-30: Developer Week '23 (DWX) - Nuremberg (Germany)
- 26-02/07: FOSS4G - Prizren (Kosovo)
- 28: NodeTLV - Tel-Aviv (Israel)
- 28-30: Breizh Camp - Rennes (France)
- 29: Conf42: Quantum Computing 2023 - Online
- 29-30: Sunny Tech - Montpellier (France)
- 29-30: Agi'Lille - Lille (France)
- 3-5: DevBCN - Barcelona (Spain)
- 5-7: Fluttercon - Berlin (Germany)
- 7-9: Nantes Maker Campus - Nantes (France)
- 10-12: Riviera DEV - Sophia Antipolis (Nice, France)
- 11-13: The Perl and Raku Conference 2023 - Toronto (Canada)
- 17-18: KCD Munich - Munich (Germany)
- 18: Beam Summit - Online
- 18-21: ÜberConf - Denver (USA)
- 19-22: Drupal Developer Days 2023 - Vienna (Austria)
- 21-22: JConfDominicana - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
- 22: CodeCampSDQ - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
- 17-23: Europython - Prague (Czech Republic)
- 27-28: WeAreDevelopers World Congress - Berlin (Germany)
- 1-2: DevOpsDays Seattle
- 4-5: Beer City Code - Grand Rapids, Michigan (USA)
- 9-10: DevOpsDays Chicago - Chicago (USA)
- 14-18: Perl and Koha Conference - Helsinki (Finland)
- 16-18: GopherCon UK 2023 - London (UK)
- 15-16: DeveloperWeek Cloud - San Francisco (USA)
- 22-23: DeveloperWeek Cloud - Online
- 24: Conf42: Rustlang 2023 - Online
- 24-26: PyconLatam 2023 - Monterrey (Mexico)
- 28-01/09: VLDB Very Large Database - Vancouver (Canada)
- 28-01/09: NDC Copenhagen - Copenhagen (Denmark)
- 4-5: WaysConf - Krakow (Poland) & Online
- 5-7: try! Swift NYC - New York (USA)
- 6-7: JavaZone 2023 - Oslo (Norway)
- 7: Conf42: Platform Engineering 2023 - Online
- 7-8: DevRelCon London - London (UK)
- 7-9: Pulpo Con - Vigo (Spain)
- 8: JUG Summer Camp - La Rochelle (France)
- 11-13: ContainerDays 2023 - Hamburg (Germany) & Online
- 12-16: RomHack - Roma (Italy)
- 18: Agile Tour Montpellier - Montpellier (France)
- 18-19: Shift Conference - Zadar (Croatia)
- 18-21: NDC TechTown - Kongsberg (Norway)
- 19-21: The Linux Foundation Open Source Summit Europe - Bilbao (Spain) & Online
- 19: Salon de la Data Nantes - Nantes (France) & Online
- 21: Serverless Days Cardiff - Cardiff (Wales)
- 21: Inclusive Design 24 - Online
- 21-22: API Platform Conference - Lille (France) & Online
- 21-23: Strange Loop 2023 - St. Louis, Missouri (USA)
- 21-23: Euro IA 2023 - Information Architecture & UX conference - Amsterdam (Netherland)
- 25-26: BIG DATA & AI PARIS 2023 - Paris (France)
- 27: DevOps Days Cairo - Cairo (Egypt)
- 28: Conf42: Kube Native 2023 - Online
- 28-30: Paris Web - Paris (France)
- 1-6: CppCon - Aurora, Colorado (USA) & Online
- 2-6: Devoxx Belgium - Antwerp (Belgium)
- 2-6: QCon San Francisco - San Francisco (USA)
- 5-6: SymfonyLive Berlin 2023 - Berlin (Germany)
- 5-6: DevOps Days Indianapolis - Indianapolis (USA)
- 9-10: Intersection Conference - Torino (Italy)
- 9-11: Global Software Architecture Summit - Barcelona (Spain)
- 10: ParisTestConf - Paris (France)
- 10-12: SREcon23 Europe/Middle East/Africa - Dublin (Ireland)
- 11-13: Devoxx Morocco - Agadir (Morocco)
- 12: Cloud Nord - Lille (France)
- 12-13: Volcamp 2023 - Clermont-Ferrand (France)
- 12-13: Forum PHP 2023 - Marne-la-Vallée (France)
- 16-18: Platform Summit 2023 - Stockholm (Sweden)
- 16-20: NDC Porto - Porto (Portugal)
- 17-18: Kubernetes Community Days UK 2023 - London (UK)
- 18-19: Baselone 2023 - Basel (Switzerland)
- 18-20: Full Stack Europe - Antwerp (Belgium)
- 19: Conf42: Incident Management 2023 - Online
- 19-20: DevFest Nantes - Nantes (France)
- 19-20: Agile Tour Rennes - Rennes (France)
- 23-25: FOSS4G North America - Baltimore (USA)
- 25-26: DevRelX Summit - Online
- 26: Codeurs en Seine - Rouen (France)
- 25-27: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2023 - Shangai (China)
- 25-27: ScalaIO - Paris (France)
- 26-27: Agile Tour Bordeaux - Bordeaux (France)
- 6-10: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2023 - Chicago (USA)
- 8-10: Oredev 2023 - Malmo (Sweden)
- 9-10: Devops Barcelona Conference 2023 - Barcelona (Spain)
- 10: BDX I/O - Bordeaux (France)
- 12-14: Meeting C++ 2023 - Berlin (Germany) and online
- 14: Data Community Conference - Bern (Swiss)
- 16: DevFest Toulouse - Toulouse (France)
- 16: Conf42: Javascript 2023 - Online
- 19-21: GoLab - Florence (Italy)
- 19-21: RustLab - Florence (Italy)
- 30: Conf42: DevSecOps 2023 - Online
- 6-7: Open Source Experience - Paris (France)
- 7: TestJS Summit - Berlin (Germany)
- 7-8: SymfonyCon Brussels 2023 - Brussels (Belgium)
- 7-8: DevTernity - Online
- 7-8: TechRocks Summit - Paris (France)
- 8: React Day Berlin - Berlin (Germany)
- 11: TestJS Summit - Online
- 12: React Day Berlin - Online
- 14: Conf42: IoT 2023 - Online
- 31-03/02: SnowCamp - Grenoble (France)
- 19-22: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2024 - Paris (France)
- 28-29: SymfonyLive Paris 2024 - Paris (France)
- 17-19: Devoxx France - Paris (France)
- 25-26: MiXiT - Lyon (France)
- 25-26: Android Makers - Paris (France)