
Game engine using a mix of old and new technology

Primary LanguageC++


Euclid is a toy game engine, written in C++14, with Lua for the light lifting. The provided renderer is for retro FPS style games, and under the hood it uses something like the technique used by the Build engine's renderer.


  • Windows
  • VS2015
  • Cygwin, for packaging

Also uses SDL2 and Lua 5.3, but those are included and built for you


In cygwin, from within the root directory, run ./script/package.sh

Copy the package directory elsewhere to start a game.

Your game will need a game.cfg, specifying:

  • startscript
  • startstate

startscript will be loaded and run in full, and should pull in other files/systems as needed. startstate should be the name of a class (created with the CreateNewClass() function) which may be used in the state machine. It must implement Update() and Render() at a minimum.

If startscript is edited and saved, the game will reload it and run it. It should be written in such a way that this does not break anything! Other files may be given this behaviour, by loading them with Game.LoadAndWatchFile("foo")

For further help, see the API documention doesn't exist yet, see the source, or the editor's lua source code!

Directory Structure


This is the root for the core euclid project


Any externally required libraries, SDL2, Lua, SDL2_image, etc


Font files used to build the bitmapped fonts


External tools, CBFG is the tool used to make the bitmapped font textures


Utility scripts, for code statistics. Run package.sh from the root directory to build all configurations, and to create a package using the Shipping config


Results of package.sh end up here


the Lua parts of the engine. Files from here will be moved into the package directory, along with the necessary binary files


  • The structure of package/ is not ideal
  • API documentation doesn't exist!