
Automatically convert URLs to links in Quill

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Checks for URLs during typing and pasting and automatically converts them to links and normalizes the links URL.

Thanks to @LFDM for the groundwork with quill-auto-links.

quill-magic-url in action


npm install quill-magic-url --save

Basic Usage

import Quill from 'quill';
import MagicUrl from 'quill-magic-url';

Quill.register('modules/magicUrl', MagicUrl);

Basic usage with default options:

const quill = new Quill(editor, {
  modules: {
    magicUrl: true

Usage with custom options:

const quill = new Quill(editor, {
  modules: {
    magicUrl: {
      // Regex used to check URLs during typing
      urlRegularExpression: /(https?:\/\/[\S]+)|(www.[\S]+)|(mailto:[\S]+)|(tel:[\S]+)/,
      // Regex used to check URLs on paste
      globalRegularExpression: /(https?:\/\/|www\.|mailto:|tel:)[\S]+/g



Regex used to check for URLs during typing.

Default: /(https?:\/\/[\S]+)|(www.[\S]+)/

Example with custom Regex

magicUrl: {
  urlRegularExpression: /(https?:\/\/[\S]+)|(www.[\S]+)|(mailto:[\S]+)|(tel:[\S]+)/


Regex used to check for URLs on paste.

Default: /(https?:\/\/|www\.)[\S]+/g

Example with custom Regex

magicUrl: {
  globalRegularExpression: /(https?:\/\/|www\.|mailto:|tel:)[\S]+/g


Regex used to check for URLs to be normalized.

Default: /(https?:\/\/[\S]+)|(www.[\S]+)/

You will most likely want to keep this options default value.


Options for normalizing the URL


  stripFragment: false,
  stripWWW: false

Example with custom Regex

magicUrl: {
  normalizeUrlOptions: {
    stripFragment: false,
    stripWWW: false,
    normalizeProtocol: false

Available options

We use normalize-url for normalizing URLs. You can find a detailed description of the possible options here.

More infos on URL Regex

For some advanced URL Regex check this out.