How to launch it?

Install all dependencies for react via

npm install

And then use npm start to run it on local serve

npm start

My program can display a list of products. Each product in the general list contains: Photo, name, short description, number of units of this product in stock, and go to the details page.

On the general page, products can be sorted by name, and by the amount of this product available. It is possible to delete the product with confirmation.

It is also possible to create a new product from the common page of all products. Clicking on the new button opens a modal window with the form, and the save button in the modal window or cancel.

Product details page:

  • photo
  • description
  • properties (number of such products available, color, size, weight)
  • comments (list of comments, and the ability to add / remove comments, comments only those that belong to this product)
  • Ability to add a new comment.
  • Button to edit the product (edit), then a modal window opens with a description of the product in a form where you can change the description and properties. You can save or cancel the save.