
Embark color theme for the new Windows Terminal

The UnlicenseUnlicense


The Embark Vim theme for the new Windows Terminal


This is a quick port of the Embark theme based on the unreleased Kitty settings I've found on reddit.

Example settings.json is included. If already you know where to put a new colorscheme and just want to copy paste it see here:

        "name": "Embark",
        "background": "#1e1c31",
        "foreground": "#EEFFFF",
        "black": "#1e1c31",
        "red": "#F0719B",
        "green": "#A1EFD3",
        "yellow": "#ffe9aa",
        "blue": "#57C7FF",
        "purple": "#C792EA",
        "cyan": "#87DFEB",
        "white": "#F8F8F2",
        "brightBlack": "#3E3859",
        "brightRed": "#F02E6E",
        "brightGreen": "#2CE592",
        "brightYellow": "#ffb378",
        "brightBlue": "#1DA0E2",
        "brightPurple": "#A742EA",
        "brightCyan": "#63f2f1",
        "brightWhite": "#a6b3cc"

Keep in mind that you have to set cursorColor and selectionBackground in the profile settings.

          "cursorColor": "#A1EFD3",
          "selectionBackground": "#fbfcfc"