
repo for WIX1002 assignment

Primary LanguageJava


Background information:

Modern scientific collaborations have opened the opportunity of solving complex problems that involve multidisciplinary expertise and large-scale computational experiments. These experiments comprise a sequence of processing steps, or referred as tasks, that need to be executed on selected computing platforms. To support this research, UM has formed the Data Intensive Computing Centre (DICC)[1] to provide High Performance Computing (HPC) services to the campus community.

High Performance Computing is a practise of harnessing the power of aggregated computers or supercomputer, to solve complex problems that involves massive calculation and huge volume of data. It is been achieved by connecting many servers/workstations via high-speed network, and managed it with a set of cluster management middleware and supporting systems.

*From the users perspective, a HPC cluster is like an everyday use computer, except it is way more powerful, as the calculation is taking place in many computing nodes, and run in parallel. Users login from their computers to the HPC cluster login node using the **SSH **program or web browser (e.g. via Open OnDemand portal), to submit their calculation, known as jobs. *

There may be different types of nodes for different types of jobs. Our HPC cluster consists of the following:

  • VPN Gateway, where users establish a private connection to interact with Login Node and internal HPC resources

  • Login Node, where users log in via SSH or Open OnDemand portal

  • CPU compute nodes (where majority of computations will be executed)

  • GPU compute nodes (for those jobs that can benefit from the massive parallel execution on Graphical Processing Unit)

  • Storage nodes (where the data is been stored)

Figure 1 shows a brief overview of the architecture of UMHPC.

Figure 1: Architecture of UMHPC

To ensure the quality of services provided, the DICC team has deployed necessary monitoring tools to ensure the availability and stability of the system. Going through the system log files has become a daily routine for the HPC specialist in DICC for system health check. The HPC specialist will define the performance metrics and try to extract the required information from the million rows of log file. This not only require a very understanding of the HPC system, but also a very sound programming skill to make sense from these log files.

A real-world log file of the SLURM scheduler has been given in this assignment.

[2022-06-01T09:16:23.166] _slurm_rpc_submit_batch_job: JobId=42808 InitPrio=20861 usec=331

[2022-06-01T09:16:23.309] sched: Allocate JobId=42808 NodeList=cpu01 #CPUs=1 Partition=cpu-opteron

[2022-06-01T09:16:55.690] _slurm_rpc_submit_batch_job: JobId=42809 InitPrio=20861 usec=408

[2022-06-01T09:16:56.360] sched: Allocate JobId=42809 NodeList=cpu01 #CPUs=1 Partition=cpu-opteron

[2022-06-01T09:28:29.792] _job_complete: JobId=42808 WEXITSTATUS 0

[2022-06-01T09:28:29.793] _job_complete: JobId=42808 done

[2022-06-01T09:28:44.482] _job_complete: JobId=42809 WEXITSTATUS 0

[2022-06-01T09:28:44.482] _job_complete: JobId=42809 done

[2022-06-01T09:36:15.587] _slurm_rpc_submit_batch_job: JobId=42810 InitPrio=21292 usec=404

[2022-06-01T09:59:44.733] _slurm_rpc_submit_batch_job: JobId=42811 InitPrio=21292 usec=423

From the sample above,

sched: Allocate JobId=50096 NodeList=gpu03 #CPUs=16 Partition=gpu-k10

indicates a src.main.java.Main has been started, and

_job_complete: JobId=50096 done

indicates src.main.java.Main has ended.

Your task:

  1. Study the six-months log file extracted from the SLURM controller (refer to the attached extracted_log).

  2. Write a program to extract the useful information and show in table and graph.

  3. Some of the interesting metrics include (but not limited to):

    1. Number of jobs created/ended within a given time range.

    2. Number of jobs by partitions, i.e. EPYC, Opteron and GPU.

    3. Number of jobs causing error and the corresponding user. The error is indicated as “[2022-06-01T15:12:23.290] error: This association…”

    4. Average execution time of the jobs submitted to UMHPC.

    5. Other statistical data that you can extract.

  4. You can refer to the assignment briefing at here[2] and a detail list of attributes of SLURM here[3].

  5. Discuss the outcome of your work and your finding, e.g. challenges that you faced and your solutions, in a form of a report. The report together with the source code, should be submitted to your OCC lecturers[4], by 23rd January 12:00pm.

  6. Prepare for a five minute presentation, to share your finding and perform a system demo on the 14^(th) week January, i.e. 25^(th) to 27^(th) January, during the lab session.

(15 marks)

Marking scheme:

  • The report and solutions: 10 marks

    • Requirement analysis: The metrics that you have chosen.

    • The architectural design: The source code developed to solve the problem.

    • *The result and finding: The sample output of the program and the discussion on the challenges and issues you faced in developing the solutions.

  • The presentation: 5 marks

    • A good presentation should comprise the following:

      • A good overview to set the scene for the presentation.

      • A clear explanation of the use case for the audience to know what you are trying to solve.

      • A clear architectural discussion for the audience to understand how you solve it.

      • A short but solid demonstration of the overall system.

      • An impactful closing to conclude your finding.


  1. Data Intensive Computing Centre (DICC): https://www.dicc.um.edu.my/

  2. Assignment briefing: https://365umedumy.sharepoint.com/:v:/s/WIX1002-DK1/EWlAKcM5Rg9Im3gc6ARDzhABcCa1yO5uSIv7MbZOsHgyvg?e=RRlcxt

  3. SLURM manual: https://slurm.schedmd.com/sacct.html

  4. Please refer to your lecturer for the preferable way of submission, e.g. spectrum, email or gitlab.