Information and Tips for GTFO, the Hardcore 4 Player Cooperative Game.

Steam Store

What is GTFO?

  • A hardcore 4 player cooperative game, with a focus on team play and atmosphere like you've never seen before.
    • One tiny little mistake by any one of your teammates can end up costing you a lot of health and ammo if you're lucky to even survive.
  • The game focuses heavily on Stealth and cooperative gameplay, if you're one to go in Guns Blazing or not coordinating with your team properly you're very VERY likely not to Survive.

Alpha Access?

There is indeed an Alpha right around the corner! Start Date: October 31st, 7 AM PDT. End Date: November 3rd, 11 PM PST

Here's a simple guide to follow to ensure you and your friends get access to the game.

  1. Go to the Game's Website, scroll down and sign up to become a "10 Chambers Ambassador".
  2. Join the Game's Discord.
  3. (Optional) Get yourself the Ambassador Role on Discord by directly messaging the "GTFO Bot" with your e-mail address.
  4. Directly message the "GTFO Bot" with "!key youremailaddress@email.com alpha"

You should now receive a Key that gives you a 4-Pack of the Alpha version of GTFO, use one yourself and send out the other 3 to anyone really. If for some reason you don't receive a key, wait a bit before messaging the bot with the same message.

Anything I need to know before I play the Alpha?

  • This game is heavily focused on Teamwork, unlike any other game I've seen before. So make sure your communication is on point, get your team in Discord/Mumble/Whatever and communicate effectively.
  • The monsters are light-, sound- and movement sensitive. Don’t move when their hearts beat! (When they're light up, their heart is beating)
  • You won’t get any waypoints. Instead, check the objective in the top left corner of the screen, and use the information you gather in computer terminals and from the signs on walls/doors in the environment to figure out where you need to go.

Pro Tips / Additional Information?

Your main objective will be retrieving DNA Samples and... GETTING THE FUCK OUT.

The Terminals

Find and use the Terminals to find out where the DNA Sample is located. The Terminals are useful for locating certain items that you could use or most definitely need, if you're going to look for a certain item make sure that it's worth the risk getting it.

Terminal Commands:

  • HELP
  • LIST
    • You can add filters to this command, here's a few examples.
      • LIST ZONE 11 - This will list all items in Zone 11.
      • LIST KEY - This will list all Keys in any Zone.
      • LIST MEDIPACK - This will list all Medipacks in any Zone.
    • This will retrieve further information on the location of an item, typically first used on the DNA Sample (Which is always a HSU, with a random number)
      • QUERY HSU_276 - This will tell you in what Zone you're able to find this item.
      • QUERY KEY_ORANGE_593 - This will tell you in what Zone you're able to find this key which is required to open a certain security door.
  • PING
    • Pings only work if you're in the Zone the Item is also in and if it still exists (Items can still be listed in the Terminal even though they've been taken)
    • This will narrow down in which Area you can find the Item in, as each Zone exists out of multiple Areas (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K), you can find out which Area you're in by looking at the walls.


You get to pick between the following in the Alpha:

  • Main Weapons:
    • Pistol (Shelling 549)
    • SMG (Van Auken LTC5)
    • DMR (TR22 Hanaway)
    • Assault Rifle (Malatack LX)
  • Special Weapons:
    • Shotgun (Buckland 5870)
    • Revolver (Mastaba R66)
    • Machine Gun (Techman Arbalist V)
    • Sniper (Köning PR 11)
  • Tools:
    • C-Foam Launcher (Stalwart Flow G2)
    • Bio Tracker (D-Tek Optron IV)
    • Mine Deployer (Krieger 04)
    • Sentry Gun (Mechatronic 5GB3)
  • Melee Weapons:
    • Sledgehammer.
    • Maul.
    • Mallet.
    • Gavel.

The Setup:

I'd say this depends on your team and on what your personal preference is in terms of weapons. The only things I'd most definitely recommend is the following:

  • A Bio Tracker in your load-out saves you a lot of trouble as you can see everything in a room and and mark the "Live" ones before even going in, just never take more than 1.
  • A Sniper in your load-out allows you to take out the super dangerous Scout in one precise shot which can detect you in the room even if you're not moving, and pretty much alert every living monster in the complex instead of just the ones in that Area, would also recommend not taking more than 1, make sure you always have ammo in this baby.
  • Regarding Melee weapons, right now they do not seem to have much difference between them. Pick whichever you enjoy.


You can find Items on the map which will help you on your mission, such as:

  • Medipack.
    • You can either heal yourself or a teammate, it will restore a static 20% Health and comes with 2~4 Charges.
  • Ammo Box.
    • You can either give ammo to yourself or a teammate, it will restore a certain amount of ammo (which seems to depend on clipsize)
  • Tool Refill Box.
    • You can either refill your own Tool or a teammate's (has no effect on the Bio Tracker)
  • Glow Sticks.
    • Lights up an area without being able to alert monsters, quite useful in dark areas. (This game has a lot of them)
  • Fog Repeller.
    • The Game has a few areas where there's really thick fog that's hard to navigate through, putting down a repeller will temporarily clear some fog around the repeller, so it's useful putting down multiple around the area.
  • Large Flashlight.
    • Useful in Dark Rooms when you're forced to open fire.