
###Building intructions###

  1. Run: cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" to generate makefiles needed for compilation
  2. Run make for compilation of component:
    • client - client executable
    • clientTest - client UTs
    • server - server executable
    • server UTs coming soon

Compiled binaries are placed in build folder in root of project.

###Preparing environment### (in case your Ubuntu or Archlinux blows up)

  1. Packages required:
  • gcc and g++ 4.9 or newer
  • cmake 2.8 or newer
  • boost 1.57 or newer
  • gmock 1.6 (and gtest 1.7 to fit it)
  1. Building gcc/g++ : in case of Ubuntu, you must add repository to be able to fetch gcc 4.9

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install g++-4.9
  2. Building cmake : Version 2.8 is pretty basic and should be availible in default repository sudo apt-get install cmake

  3. Building Boost : if Boost 1.57 is already availible in your repository, just fetch it with apt-get (or yum, or whatever your OS uses). Otherwise Boost must be downloaded from here and its fragments must be placed in correct places (no compilation needed): //TODO - complete this section

  4. Building gmock : download gmock from here in version 1.6 This step begins by building gtest. In gmock/gtest there is a corresponding version of gtest to gmock that you just downloaded. Build it with following commands:

    cd gtest
    sudo cp -a include/gtest /usr/include
    sudo cp -a lib/.libs/* /usr/lib/

    You can now check if it worked by running following command: sudo ldconfig -v | grep gtest and checking if result is the same as below:

    libgtest.so.0 -> libgtest.so.0.0.0
    libgtest_main.so.0 -> libgtest_main.so.0.0.0

    With gtest installed, you can now install gmock. Run the following commands:

    cd ${GMOCK_ROOT}
    mkdir build
    cd build
    g++ -I../gtest/include -I../gtest -I../include -I.. -c ../gtest/src/gtest-all.cc
    g++ -I../gtest/include -I../gtest -I../include -I.. -c ../src/gmock-all.cc
    ar -rv libgmock.a gtest-all.o gmock-all.o

    After building, fragments of gmock must be placed in correct places: //TODO - complete this section