
The project for hiring developers to the Product Development team.

Primary LanguagePython



The purpose of the project is to create complete website which is able to store different types of insurance forms in the backend site and renders it correctly in the frontend.


If you want to see ORM models used in backend see:

  • insurance/types_management/models.py
  • insurance/instance_management/models.py

There are two tables in the system:

  • InsuranceTypes - keeps all types of insurances
  • InsuranceInstances - keeps filled insurances (all types!)

The main idea is to store irregular data like type schema and filled insurance forms in JSON blob field available in PostgreSQL database. That will prevent from creating many-to-many relations which are poorly scalable and keeps database structure simple.


Backend is located in insurance directory. There is a complete Django project working with python-zappa support.

Before you run the backend, you may want to know how the infrastructure is built. To prevent environment errors, all dependencies are stored inside Docker container. Moreover, insite a container there is a virtualenv which encapsulates all Python packages needed to run and deploy backend.

There is only one database instance for both local and deployed backend!

To run backend localy use provided Dockerfile to create the image:

docker build -t zappa .

After that, you can enter it using enter-dev.sh.

When you are inside a container, you should source virtualenv first:

. /var/ve/bin/activate

to enable all needed python packages.

After those steps, you can enter /var/task/insurance and start using Django app.


  • If you want your Django server to be visible outsite container, you should run it with parameters: python manage.py runserver
  • There is python-zappa package configured to deploy this app. To do it basically type zappa update dev
  • You can seed database with initial content with python manage.py loaddata instances.yaml and python manage.py loaddata types.yaml


Frontend of project is located in frontend-forms directory. There is an Angular 2 based application which can be run locally using

ng serve

The default environment is configured to use backend located in localhost:8000 so you may need to start the backend locally before you load the page.

In case of deploy, you can use build-and-deploy.sh script located in the root of frontend dir.

Deployed app

Deployed app can be accessed using S3 bucket: http://insurance-forms.s3-website-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/