
Ping a SQL Server. For example to test connectivity through a firewall, testing a failover cluster or testing permissions.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Ping a SQL Server. For example to test connectivity through a firewall, testing a failover cluster or testing permissions.

This is a .NET console app and should run fine on all supported operating systems: Windows, Linux and macOS.


SQLPing <Server> [OPTIONS]


<Server>    Server host or ip number. For non-standard port use the format "server,port"


-h, --help                          Prints help information
-d, --database           master     Database name
-u, --username                      SQL Username, leave empty for Windows integrated security
-p, --password                      Password
-t, --timeout            3          Connection timeout in seconds
-c, --command                       SQL Command (default will return database information)
-f, --failover                      This is a failover cluster / availability group, use MultiSubnetFailover=true
-a, --failoverpartner               Use a custom failover partner
-n, --nonstop                       Set this to true to continously ping the server. Default is ping once
-w, --wait <SECONDS>     10         How long to wait, in seconds, between non-stop pings


  • Add terse output option, just returning the output of the command
  • Add custom connection string option