
Easy and simple way to connect Google Analytics Reporting API v4

Primary LanguageC#


It covers Google Analytics Reporting API v4 by sending custom variables


####Nuget Install-Package GoogleAnalyticsReportingAPIWrapper


Javascript, send example data

ga('send', 'event', [eventCategory], [eventAction], [eventLabel], [eventValue], [fieldsObject]);
ga('send', {
  hitType: 'event',
  eventCategory: 'Product',
  eventAction: 'click',
  eventLabel: 'ProductId'

for more info how to send events to Google Analytics click here

to find which dimensions & metrics you need to pass as parameter, please click here

using System;
using Google.Apis.AnalyticsReporting.v4.Data;
using Report = GoogleAnalyticsReportingAPIWrapper.Report;

namespace WrapperConsole
    internal class Program
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Report report = new Report();

            GetReportsResponse response = report.Get(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"),
                DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), new[] {"ga:eventValue"},
                new[] {"ga:eventCategory, ga:eventAction, ga:eventLabel"}, "[yourViewId]",
                "[json file generated by Google API console]",
                new[] {"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics.readonly"}, "Wrapper app");