
Creating a Real-Time Flight-info Data Pipeline with Kafka, Apache Spark, Elasticsearch and Kibana

Primary LanguagePython

Creating a Real-Time Flight-info Data Pipeline with Kafka, Apache Spark, Elasticsearch and Kibana

In this project, we will use a real-time flight tracking API, Apache Kafka, ElastichSearch and Kibana to create a real-time Flight-info data pipeline and track the flights in real-time. We will use a high-level architecture and corresponding configurations that will allow us to create this data pipeline. The end result will be a Kibana dashboard fetching real-time data from ElasticSearch.




Our project pipeline is as follows:



The following software should be installed on your machine in order to reproduice our work:

  • Spark (spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop2.7)
  • Kafka (kafka_2.13-2.7.0)
  • ElasticSearch (elasticsearch-7.14.2)
  • Kibana (kibana-7.14.2)
  • Python 3.9.6


Get Flight API:

We started by collecting in real-time Flight informations (Aircraft Registration Number,Aircraft Geo-Latitude,Aircraft Geo-Longitude,Aircraft elevation,Flight numbe...) and then we sent them to Kafka for analytics.

Kafka Real-Time Producer:

The data is ingested from the flight streaming data API and sent to a kafka topic. You need to run Kafka Server with Zookeeper and create a dedicated topic for data transport.

PySpark Streaming:

In Spark Streaming, Kafka consumer is created that periodically collect data in real time from the kafka topic and send them into an Elasticsearch index.

Index flight-info to Elasticsearch:

You need to enable and start Elasticsearch and run it to store the flight-info and their realtime information for further visualization purpose. You can navigate to http://localhost:9200 to check if it's up and running.

Kibana for visualization

Kibana is a visualization tool that can explore the data stored in elasticsearch. In our project, instead of directly output the result, we used this visualization tool to visualize the streaming data in a real-time manner.You can navigate to http://localhost:5601 to check if it's up and running.

How to run

  1. Start Elasticsearch

sudo systemctl start elasticsearch & sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch

  1. Start Kibana

sudo systemctl start kibana & sudo systemctl enable kibana

  1. Start Zookeeper server by moving into the bin folder of Zookeeper installed directory by using:

./bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh ./config/zookeeper.properties

  1. Start Kafka server by moving into the bin folder of Kafka installed directory by using:

./bin/kafka-server-start.sh ./config/server.properties

  1. Run Kafka producer:

python3 ./real-time-flights-producer.py

  1. Run PySpark consumer with spark-submit:

spark-submit --packages org.apache.spark:spark-sql-kafka-0-10_2.12:3.3.1,,org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-spark-30_2.12:7.14.2 /home/sirine/Downloads/spark_consumer.py

How to launch kibana dashboard

  • Open http://localhost:5601/ in your browser.
  • Go to Management>Kibana>Saved Objects
  • Import Real-Time-Flight-Tracking-Project-Dashbord.ndjson
  • Open dashboard

Final result

  • A Pie displaying Aircraft head direction(dir) vs Aircraft Registration Number(reg_nmber) & Real-Time Flight Tracking count number: 1

  • Vertical bar of Aircraft horizontal speed (km) vs Aircraft elevation (meters) & Vertical bar of Aircraft horizontal speed (km) vs Aircraft Geo-Latitude: 2

  • Horizontal bar showing the different Aircraft horizontal speed (km) & Heat map of Aircraft elevation (meters) vs Aircraft head direction : 3

  • A Line that shows Aircraft horizontal speed (km) vs Aircraft Geo-Longitude: 4

  • A Map that geolocates in real time the different flights all over the world:



Sirine Arfa

Mohamed Aziz Tmar