This is the official Flutter Con Kenya 2024 mobile application. The application is built using Flutter and Dart programming language. The application is designed to provide information about the conference, speakers, schedule, and sponsors. The application also provides a platform for attendees to interact with each other and the speakers.
To get started with this project, you need to have Flutter installed on your machine. You can follow the instructions on the official Flutter website to install Flutter on your machine.
Once you have Flutter installed, you can clone this repository and run the following command to install the dependencies:
flutter pub get
dart run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
After installing the dependencies, you can run the application using the following command:
flutter run --dart-define-from-file
This will start the application on your connected device or emulator.
AppTester (Firebase Distribution):
flutter build apk --flavor uat -t lib/main_uat.dart --dart-define-from-file --no-tree-shake-icons
Production (For Play Store):
flutter build appbundle --flavor prod -t lib/main_prod.dart --dart-define-from-file --no-tree-shake-icons
App will have the following features:
- Sessions
- Feed
- About
- Home
- Speakers
- Sponsors
- Authentication
- Feedback
This is the link to the app designs:
Light Theme:
Dark Theme:
REST API: Postman Files
If you would like to contribute to this project, you can first create an issue describing the feature you'd like to do. This helps prevent duplication of effort (working on something someone else is already working on).
After the discussion on the GitHub issue,you can fork the repository and create a new branch for your changes. Once you have made your changes, you can create a pull request to merge your changes into the main branch. For much smaller fixes like typos, you can skip the create issue step.
Tip: Keep feature contributions small and focused. This makes it easy to review contributions and spot errors if any
For this project, we use flutter_bloc. You can find documentation here
The architecture portion has a really good explanation of how we plan to architect the app conceptually.
We use a folder first then a feature based approach to structuring folders. This would look similar to:
- repositories
- repository.dart
- blocs
- auth
- speakers
- ui
- auth
- speakers
If you have a preferred different approach to structuring your folders, join the discussion here.
For routing, we will use the go_router package. It offers the benefit of simplifying the usage of navigator 2.0, which is helpful for deep linking
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
### Output
# Flutter Con Kenya 2024