Wikipedia Question Answering

Primary LanguagePython


Telegram bot for answering the questions over passed text.


In order to connect to the Telegram and OpenWeatherMap, create .env file in the root file with params bot_token standing for Telegram bot token and owm_token with OWM API key.

# This keys are only for reference, they are not valid 😀

❗️Use python 3.7

# Create and activate virtual environment
python -m venv .venv
# Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m deeppavlov install squad_bert
python3 -m deeppavlov install intent_catcher

# Train intent catcher model
python3 train_intent_cathcher.py

# Create database
python3 UserProperties.py

# Before running bot, you need to have running intent catcher server
python3 intent_catcher_server.py
# Run the main script in other shell
python3 run.py