
Implementation of Delta functions for computing distributed knowledge in lattices.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Computing Distributed Information

Provides Python 3 implementation of lattices, under lattice.py and proposed "delta" functions for computing distributed information for a group of agents, see delta.py. In this context space functions are join-endomorphisms.

Most of the utility classes and functions come from lattice.py, and is complemented with helper functions from delta.py.

In general, everything related to lattices (creation, representation transformation, generation, etc) can be found in lattice.py.

The content of this repository is based on the theory developed in various papers.


This project depends on graphviz for the visualization of lattices, and space functions.

python3 -m pip install graphviz

Optionally, we recommend installing NumPy for fast matrix operations, and Jupyter Notebooks for running experiments interactively.

python3 -m pip install numpy notebook

For quick examples, please take a look at guide.py. At a glance.

Basic usage

Let us create a random lattice with 7 nodes, obtain all the valid space functions for the lattice, select 3 at random, and calculate the point-wise least upper bound of these three space functions. Finally, since the resulting lattice may not be distributive, we use delta_foo (also known as DGen) to obtain the corresponding Distributed Information Space Function.

import random
import lattice as lat

covers = lat.random_lattice(7, 0.95) # 0.95 seems to generate good random lattices.
lattice = lat.Lattice.from_covers(covers)
sf = random.sample(lattice.space_functions, 3)
elem = [lattice.lub(f) for f in zip(*sf)]
delta = lat.delta_foo(lattice, sf)


  • We obtain the covers representation of a random 7-node lattice.
  • Since the Lattice class uses a matrix representation, and not covers, we use the from_covers class method.
  • This creates our lattice from the Lattice class, which gives us access to basic lattice operations, like obtaining the least upper bound of a list of values, Heyting implication, atoms, etc.
  • We use the delta_foo/DGen function from lattice.py that receives a Lattice instance as its first parameter and doesn't require previous set-up.


Lattices are represented by a matrix of relations (or entailments) matrix[a][b] = 1 means that the element a entails b (a is greater than or equal to b). A value of 0 means that a and b are not comparable.

Most functions from delta.py use the matrix representation of the lattice to make calculations. But most of the functions from lattice.py use a special class named Lattice that uses this matrix internally.

Lattice Generation

lattice.py contains some functions that help in the generation of random lattices. The main ones are:

  • random_lattice: Generates a random lattice, the resulting list needs to be converted from_covers to be used with the Lattice class.
  • powerset_lattice: Generates a powerset lattice that can be used directly with the Lattice class.

generation.py contains othe generation functions that may be moved back to lattice.py or vice-versa:

  • distributive_lattice: Generates a random distributive lattice of variable size that can be used direclty with the Lattice class.

From lattice.py, random_lattice(size, prob) generates a random arbitrary lattice (based on SageMath).

Finally, for some basic lattices you can use the utility functions from delta.py, all can be used directly with the class Lattice:

  • lattice_m: Generates a lattice M_n, where n is the size of the lattice. The traditional M_3 would be lattice_m(5).
  • lattice_n5: Generates the non-distributive lattice N_5.
  • lattice_kite: Generates the kite lattice.
  • lattice_square: Generates a square lattice (9 elements).
  • lattice_power_3: Generates the powerset lattice (8 elements).

Lattice Representations

There are two ways of representing a lattice, by its relations matrix or as a list of covers. Usually the covers representation is more human readable. As such, lattice.py provides some helper functions for converting from one representation to the other:

  • lattice_from_covers: Converts a list of lower covers to a relations matrix. If you want to use the Lattice class, make use of the constructor Lattice.from_covers().
  • covers_from_lattice: Converts an implies matrix of a lattice into its equivalent list of covers. Useful when printing the lattice.
  • lattice_from_joins: Converts a matrix of joins (least upper bounds), to a relations matrix.

As an example, the following two lattices are equivalent to the kite lattice:

lattice_covers = [[], [0], [0], [1,2]]
lattice_matrix = [[1, 0, 0, 0],
                  [1, 1, 0, 0],
                  [1, 0, 1, 0],
                  [1, 1, 1, 1]]

Space Functions

Generating, validating, and counting are some of the common operations one may need to achieve when working with space functions.


The Lattice class from lattice.py provides the space_function property, a lazily evaluated attribute that provides a list of all the space functions valid for the lattice. This combined with the random.sample functions is the general way of generating and selecting space functions.

When working with Powerset lattices, it is recommended to use the random_space_function function from delta.py, which receives a Lattice instance as its parameter. Furthermore, given the interesting properties of the powerset lattice, it is also possible to define a space function only by the mapping of its atoms. You can use decode_powerset_function to do just that it returns a space function based on the atoms mapping.


The Lattice class method is_fn_distributive checks if a "function" is distributive over joins.

Distributed Information

As a note, the algorithm referred to DGen+ (DGen) is implemented in lattice.py as delta_foo, and is mean to be used with arbitrary lattices. On the other hand, in delta.py, dmeet_jies corresponds to DMeet, and is mean to be used with distributive lattices.

As expected most of the functions related to computing DI are in the delta.py file, but there's a catch. Due to legacy implementations, the functions defined in delta.py prefixed with delta_ast or delta_foo make use of the relations matrix directly, and require certain global variables to be present before use:

  • LUBs: The matrix of least upper bounds.
  • GLBs: The matrix of greatest lower bounds.
  • IMPLs: The matrix of Heyting implications.

If a functions requires any of this globals to be define it will appear in the function documentation.

delta.py contains all versions of Delta*, delta_foo, and special version of delta_foo probed_delta_foo that also returns the number of times the candidate function delta was updated. Last but not least delta_n calculates DI using brute-force.

This cath does not apply for the delta_plus functions, and dmeet_jies.

A version without global state for DGen, or delta_foo, is available in lattice.py.


From delta.py:

  • relative_path: Pass the relative path of a file to the script. Behaves like os.path.join. The name may change.
  • eprint: Like print, but to stderr and flushing the buffer.

From lattice.py:

  • get_relative_path: Like relative_path. Again, may change the name.
  • test_equality: Pretty prints an equality check, used for basic unit tests.
  • process_file: Used to process lattices generated by SAGEMath, convert them to their relations matrix representation, (Optionally) calculate all space functions and save the results on disk.

From generation.py:

  • is_distributive: Checks if a Lattice instance is a distributive lattice.
  • progress_bar: For long running processes, displays a progress bar to sys.stderr. Also see ProgressRange() and ProgressRange.from_iter(), usable in for-loops.

More Examples

Generate a Powerset lattice, and obtain a random valid space function.

import lattice as lat
from delta import random_space_function

lattice = lat.Lattice(lat.powerset_lattice(4))
sf = random_space_function(lattice) # Use only with powersets.

Create a PDF file with the graphical representation of the lattice. Optionally show space functions. Requires Graphviz


Generate a Random Distributive lattice

lattice = Lattice(distributive_lattice(4, 0.3))