
A set of NLP tools created during my medium NLP Explanation series.

Primary LanguagePython

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[nlptools] Python NLP Tools

A straightforward Natural Language Processing Toolbox

NLP Tools is a set of tools written in python that covers the most common NLP tasks with an easy and clear to understand style of code.

It is being developed together with a Series of Articles about NLP by the main author in Medium. You can find the articles at tfduque.medium.com


Installing with pip

pip install nlpytools

Usage example


  • Using the tokenizer:
from nlptools.core.structures import tokenize

tokenize("This is a sentence")
[<SOS>, this, is, a, sentence, <EOS>]
  • Using sentence/document format:
from nlptools.core.structures import Document
doc = Document("This is a sentence. This is another sentence.")

for sentence in doc:
    print(sentence, sentence.tokens)
This is a sentence. [<SOS>, This, is, a, sentence, ., <EOS>]
This is another sentence. [<SOS>, This, is, another, sentence, ., <EOS>]


These are the currently available normalization steps:

pre_tokenization_functions = {'simplify_punctuation': simplify_punctuation,
                                  'normalize_whitespace': normalize_whitespace}
post_tokenization_functions = {'normalize_contractions': normalize_contractions,
                               'spell_correction': spell_correction,
                               'remove_stopwords': remove_stopwords}


from nlptools.preprocessing.normalization import Normalizer
normalizer = Normalizer(pre_tokenization_steps=['simplify_punctuation', 'normalize_whitespace'],
                        post_tokenization_steps=['normalize_contractions', 'spell_correction'])
norm.normalize_string("This is a nnormalized sentence!!!!         Yeah,,!!") # one can also use normalize_document
'This is a normalized sentence! Yeah,!'


from nlptools.preprocessing.stemming import PorterStemmer
from nlptools.core.structures import tokenize
stemmer = PorterStemmer()
tokens = tokenize("The words in this sentence will be stemmed.")
stemmed_tokens = [stemmer.stem(token) for token in tokens]
['<sos>', 'the', 'word', 'in', 'thi', 'sent', 'will', 'be', 'stem', '.', '<eos>']

Lemmatizing and Tagging

First: tagging

from nlptools.preprocessing.tagging import MLTagger
tagger = MLTagger()
tag_pairs = tagger.tag("Tag this sentence")
for tag in tag_pairs:
     print(tag, tag.PoS)
<SOS> None
this DT
sentence NN
<EOS> None

Every token carries its own Part of Speech in the PoS attribute after the tagging.

Then, after tagging, we can do Lemmatization

from nlptools.preprocessing.tagging import MLTagger
tagger = MLTagger(force_ud=True) # Force UD format to use compatible tags
tag_pairs = tagger.tag("The cars are running")
lemmatized_words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, word.PoS) for word in tag_pairs.tokens]
print(" ".join(lemmatized_words[1:-1]))
the car are run


from nlptools.preprocessing.featurization import Tfidf
tfidf = Tfidf()
tfidf.fit(["The first sentence", "The second sentence", "The third sentence", "First, second, third."])
tfidf.transform(["The first sentence", "The second sentence", "The third sentence", "First, second, third."]) #or just go with fit_transform
matrix([[0.30543024, 0.        , 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ,
         0.07438118, 0.        , 0.07438118],
        [0.        , 0.30543024, 0.        , 0.        , 0.        ,

For more examples and usage, please refer to the medium series.

Release History

  • 0.1.0
    • Pypi release


Tiago Duque – medium website

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.

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