
Primary LanguagePython

《Few-Shot Learning Meets Transformer: Unified Query-Support Transformers for Few-Shot Classification》 TCSVT 2023



The goal of Few-shot classification (FSL) is to identify unseen classes with very limited samples has attracted more and more attention. Usually, it is formulated as a metric learning problem. The core issue of few-shot classification is how to learn (1) consistent representations for images in both support and query sets and (2) effective metric learning for images between support and query sets. In this paper, we show that the two challenges can be well modeled simultaneously via a unified Query-Support TransFormer (QSFormer) model. To be specific, the proposed QSFormer involves global query-support sample Transformer (sampleFormer) branch and local patch Transformer (patchFormer) learning branch. sampleFormer aims to capture the dependence of samples in support and query sets for image representation. It adopts the Encoder, QS-Decoder and Cross-Attention to respectively model the Support, Query (image) representation and Metric learning for few-shot classification task. Also, as a complementary to global learning branch, we adopt a local patch Transformer to extract structural representation for each image sample by capturing the long-range dependence of local image patches. In addition, we introduce a novel Cross-scale Interactive Feature Extractor (CIFE) to extract and fuse different scale CNN features as an effective backbone module for the proposed few-shot learning method. We integrate these into a unified framework and train it in an end-to-end way. A large number of experiments are conducted on four popular datasets to validate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed QSFormer.



Results on MiniImageNet and TieredImageNet

More experimental results can be found in the paper. results


We perform the abundant experiments on four publicly popular datasets for few-shot classification task, such as miniImageNet, tieredImageNet, Fewshot-CIFAR100 and Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011. These datasets can be downloaded to click Baidu Drive (miniImageNet (password: rqcs), tieredImageNet (password: k5z6), FC100 (password: 3cib), CUB (password: qkpc))


python3.7+, pytorch>=1.7, qpth, CVXPY, OpenCV-python, tensorboard

Download Pre-trained Models

Baidu Drive 提取码:yd8w


sh train_meta_QSFormer.sh


If you find this project useful, please feel free to leave a star and cite our paper:

  title={Few-Shot Learning Meets Transformer: Unified Query-Support Transformers for Few-Shot Classification},
  author={Wang, Xixi and Wang, Xiao and Jiang, Bo and Luo, Bin},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},


This project is built upon DeepEMD. We also reference some code from DETR. Thanks to the contributors of these great codebases.