Developer-focused examples of implementing the Sitecore Helix practices.
- 3rangaCalcey
- aiorgu
- ambrauer@Sitecore
- bartlomiejmucha
- byrondelgadoEPAM
- byrondelgadoepam
- deyantodorovSofia, Bulgaria
- DThrasher
- georgechangAtlanta, GA
- GoranHalvarssonVisions In Code
- hermanussenIquality
- isaadansariDigital 14
- jaybeedk
- jbair-isacaChicago, IL
- jduttondesignNashville, TN
- jimmah@deptagency
- kapnion
- kumaranimesh
- lambdomotive
- louisfischerOptum Technology
- MB-HiloHilo Inc.
- moo2u2Sydney, Australia
- nickwesselman@Shopify
- odenijsHuman Digital
- ram290476
- ReoKzKEthisys Ltd
- sebastiantecsiCluj-Napoca, Transylvania, Romania
- sestocker
- shark644
- sincladkHorizontal Integration
- sshushliapinUkraine
- studert@unic
- sushantjadhav21
- tackme31Tokyo, Japan
- Victor-Ochoa@luizalabs
- Xalor90Phoenix, AZ