
According to the Sitecore versioning policy Sitecore no longer provide patches for Sitecore 9.1 and later: https://kb.sitecore.net/articles/077333

Important Information

According to the Sitecore versioning policy Sitecore no longer provide patches for Sitecore 9.1 and later: https://kb.sitecore.net/articles/077333

If you experience any issues with Sitecore software, contact Sitecore Support: https://kb.sitecore.net/articles/654910

This GitHub repository is created to provide experienced Sitecore developers and power users with a way to discover, investigate, and reuse previously created Sitecore patches and potentially save time when developing Sitecore solutions.

The patches provided via this repository may not have the complete documentation, address very specific scenarios experienced by a small numbers of customers, be compatible only with specific Sitecore version, or be experimental. It is important that extra care is taken when deciding to directly use patches from this repository without guidance from Sitecore Support.
They should only be applied if the Sitecore solution is affected by the specific issue addressed by the patch and only after performing local testing of the fix.

In case of any uncertainty, always contact Sitecore Support before applying Sitecore Patches.


Sitecore will not process the feedback or questions about patches reported via GitHub.
Any related inquiries should be directed to the Sitecore Support Portal.

