A Sitecore utility designed to simplify deployment of Sitecore items across environments automatically
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Is Unicorn supporting with Sitecore v10.4?
#442 opened by mukeshnikhil2000 - 3
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Moving items results in deleted items
#439 opened by rmbogaard - 1
Serialization issue in cloned items
#437 opened by ambujshukla1981 - 0
Sync Challenge Issue
#436 opened by markgibbons25 - 1
Moved item can end up deleted on sync
#435 opened by Joentje71 - 4
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UnauthorizedAccessException with SyncSilent
#429 opened by hkiezebrink - 11
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Unicorn.DataProvider.10.1.config role:require setting prevents the config from being loaded on XM0
#423 opened by islaytitans - 3
Duplicate items with same ID shown in content tree once unicorn project is published even without running sync
#406 opened by dminclude - 0
Verb - Reserialize ERROR: The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800704CD.
#433 opened by ladynotgaga - 3
Unicorn RainbowCodeGeneration is not supporting Sitecore 10.2 for serializing model
#432 opened by SarthakGupta20 - 1
When we are deploying the changes on the Sitecore DEV site by using Azure Paas we are getting this error
#431 opened by Rasool-123 - 6
Combination of Dilithium and fieldFilter throws and must declare scalar @ error
#411 opened by rabehaja - 2
DuplicateItemName exception
#428 opened by bartlomiejmucha - 5
Unicorn added <site> breaks Sitecore on ContentDelivery roles in 10.1.2
#427 opened by liquid-interactive-tech - 3
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Error message during Unicorn Sync "The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion."
#424 opened by gkbalaji03 - 4
Unicorn.aspx indicates Transparent Sync is enabled on configs but TS is not working and does not display in Content Editor warning
#420 opened by strice - 10
Syncing Unchecked Shared field checkbox is not performing the movement of data from SharedFields to VersionFields tables
#418 opened by pnittala - 34
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Sitecore 10.1 uses Sitecore.Kernel version which does not have attribute 'UsedImplicitlyAttribute' and unicorn uses this attribute
#416 opened by SudhirKumar2254 - 3
Dilithium + Unicorn.DataProvider.10.1
#415 opened by markgibbons25 - 1
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Change in Shared and Unversioned Fields causing data loss in Standard value
#409 opened by sitecorejp - 0
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No include entries were present on the predicate for the I Have a Custom Storage Path Unicorn configuration. You must explicitly specify the items you want to include.
#405 opened by dbalosetti - 12
sitecore stalls for 10-15 minutes on clean install
#403 opened by UffeHammer - 4
ERROR: The remote host closed the connection. The error code is 0x800704CD. (System.Web.HttpException)
#387 opened by akuryan - 3
Title Field Value Set to "Lorem ipsum dolor"
#400 opened by unstab1e - 2
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Transparent Sync Errors Flooding Logs Bug
#396 opened by jesslich423 - 2
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Bug - Serialization Folder is being created in App_Data, regardless of config settings
#395 opened by Xalor90 - 9
Unicorn Reserialize converting paths to lowercase
#392 opened by kalyan9 - 1
Cache not cleared correctly on Sitecore 10
#391 opened by cassidydotdk - 2
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Updating original items through Unicorn does not give change warning for cloned items
#379 opened by matthew0102 - 0
Unicorn creates items in database (transparent sync)
#383 opened by JaapioNL - 0
UnicornSqlServerDataProvider: GetChildIDs and HasChildren are not costistent
#382 opened by test-mfel - 12
Initial Serialization Clearing Entire DataStore
#381 opened by jesslich423 - 4