Initially, the code was taken from videojs-vast-plugin and made it work with videojs 7. It is very different now.
This project intends to keep up to date with the videojs and its other dependencies.
NodeJs and its package manager (npm) is required to build.
Run npm install
then npm run-script build
The build creates two independent artifacts in the dist/
Artifact Name | Files | Description |
Plugin | videojsx.vast.js, videojsx.vast.css | Standalone plugin that can be integrated to an external video.js player. |
Video Player | player.js | A file that has video.js, css and other dependencies bundled in. |
Also, every JavaScript .js
file has a compressed version .js.gz
Include this plugin (videojsx.vast.css and videojsx.vast.js) and its dependencies.
Ordering does matter. Be sure you request video.js
first and videojs-contrib-ads
anywhere before videojsx.vast.js
It will look something like this:
<!-- video.js framework -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Ads plugin for video.js -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<!-- This plugin for video.js -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
Put anywhere before you start using it. For example, in the head section:
<script src=""></script>
<video id="vid1" width="640" height="400" controls class="video-js vjs-default-skin" data-setup='{"autoplay":false}' poster="your-poster.jpg">
<source id ="mysrc" src="your-content.mp4" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support video.
<div id="companion"></div>
var player = videojs('vid1');
var companion = {
elementId: "companion",
maxWidth: 300,
maxHeight: 250
player.vast({url: '', skip: 8, companion: companion});
Name | Optional | Default | Description |
url |
Yes | n/a | URL that responds with a VAST document |
xml |
Yes | n/a | The VAST document. Use as an alternative to url . Can be a String or XMLDocument. |
seekEnabled |
Yes | false |
Enable the player seek control when advert is playing. controlsEnabled must be enabled also. |
controlsEnabled |
Yes | false |
Enable the player controls (pause, play, volume) when advert is playing |
wrapperLimit |
Yes | 10 |
Maximum number of VAST wrappers (aka VAST request redirects) allowed |
withCredentials |
Yes | true |
Enable third-party cookies on the VAST request |
skip |
Yes | 0 |
Number of seconds the user has to wait before the advert can be skipped |
companion |
Yes | {} |
See Companion options below |
vpaid |
Yes | {} |
See VPAID options below |
Name | Optional | Default | Description |
elementId |
Yes | null |
Id of the HTML element that will serve as the creative container |
maxWidth |
Yes | 0 |
The maximum width allowed for the creative |
maxHeight |
Yes | 0 |
The maximum height allowed for the creative |
Name | Optional | Default | Description |
videoInstance |
Yes | 'none' |
Determines which video element to pass to the VPAID ad. Any one of: 'none' , 'new' and 'same' . |
containerId |
Yes | undefined |
The id of the container. Usage is not recommended. |
containerClass |
Yes | 'vjs-vpaid-container' |
The class name of the container. Usage is not recommended. |
This project uses LFS for versioning large files (e.g., mp4). Only useful for development. Please see Git Large File Storage on github for details.
Example setup for Mac OS:
brew install git-lfs
git lfs install
If you already cloned this repo before installing LFS and want to get the real content (replace pointer files):
git lfs checkout
git lfs fetch
Run npm start
brings up a development server at port 9999 with automatic background builds.
The page is http://localhost:9999/index.html
The command should automatically open this page.
The build will be triggered when any of the files under src/
is modified. The currently opened page on port 9999
should reload automatically.
- This plugin is a modification of an existing plugin videojs-vast-plugin by The Onion
- The Video.js Framework itself
- Video.js's Ad plugin allowing video ad integration (switching between content and pre-roll)
- Dailymotion's VAST client to parse and read VAST content
- MailOnline's VPAIDHTMLClient. A JavaScript iframe wrapper for VPAID